Author: Kelley Ranaudo

  • Surrender


    April 10, 2018
    Surrender...the message that has been hitting me from all sides for awhile. I didn't truly embrace the message. I thought...just…
  • riding bikes on the beach

    Connection over Expectation

    March 4, 2018
    When I read this on one of my homeschooling feeds the other day, it hit me like a ton of…
  • I am Here

    January 31, 2018
    I just started reading Hands Free Life, by Rachel Macy Stafford. I loved her first book, and I have had…
  • 10 Things You Should Do Every Day to Feel Better This Year.

    10 Things You Should Do Every Day to Feel Better This Year

    January 24, 2018
    There are a zillion things you could do to feel better and improve your health every day. It is overwhelming.…
  • Choose Again

    Choose Again

    January 16, 2018
    Every day we have choices to make, and we get to choose how we react to people and situations. Sometimes…
  • It Has to Become a Way of Life

    January 11, 2018
    I do believe there are great benefits to "programs", as long as you look at it as a lifestyle change.…
  • What I have learned so far

    What I Have Learned So Far

    January 6, 2018
    I am halfway through my 40's. Yep, I sure am. You know what, I do like my 40's. There are…
  • Find Your own Beauty and JOY this Season

    December 23, 2017
    There are many seasons of life, and many changes from season to season. We each have our own path to…
  • Share the Gift of Health

    December 15, 2017
    I do love this time of year, and any opportunity I have to give someone something that is good for…
  • A December to Remember

    December 4, 2017
    As we start the last three weeks leading up to Christmas, let's do our best to feel our best. When…
  • A December to Remember

    December 1, 2017
    I am sure we can all relate to the stress that comes on during the holidays. All of the pressures…
  • It ain’t what It used to BE

    November 22, 2017
    I have had numerous conversations as of late about how things have changed. We are raising our kids in a…
  • Smoothie for the Day

    November 16, 2017
    We love smoothies and juicing over here at our house. I know that it is not for everyone, and that,…
  • Be Hopeful and Live for Abundance

    November 13, 2017
    No matter what is going on, do not settle if you are wanting more. In our lives, I am sure…
  • I Know Who Holds My Future

    October 25, 2017
    This season that we are in has been challenging for my family in many ways. There are many close people…
  • Take a Stand with How You Live

    October 11, 2017
    Life feels out of control lately. So busy. Everyone is going in so many directions. Just so busy. Posting, liking,…
  • Are You Surviving or Thriving?

    September 27, 2017
    Am I choosing to survive or thrive in this life of mine? I have asked myself this question many times…
  • Consistency needs Discipline

    August 31, 2017
    This is the last post in our four part series helping us to make progress toward our goals. Just to…
  • Intention needs Action

    August 28, 2017
    To start this week off, this is the third in a four part series to help us go after our…
  • Be Intentional

    Be Intentional

    August 24, 2017
    This is the second in the four part series of some tips that have helped me to make progress toward…
  • Awareness and Honesty

    August 21, 2017
    This is the last week of our Summer Accountability Group.  I have decided to make it the first of a…
  • Week 11…Set your Intentions and Plan for the Week

    August 14, 2017
    WEEK 11 MIND Only 2 more weeks of our accountability group. Many of us are back into routine or trying…
  • Week 10…Taking Care of Our Whole Self and The People in Our Life

    August 7, 2017
    Week 10 The "professional" image above is one I have drawn many times over the years for friends, clients and…
  • Week 9…Change

    July 31, 2017
    WEEK 9 I will keep reminding you and hope that you are starting to remember, that to feel YOUR absolute…
  • Week 8….Quiet the Mind and the Importance of Protein

    July 24, 2017
    WEEK 8 I hope you are starting to realize, that to feel YOUR absolute BEST, you have to nourish the…