Do What You Love

Do What You Love

Are you doing what you love? Are you following your heart? These are things I believe we should all be striving for. Truly living, and doing things that you truly love. Digging deep to follow what our heart and souls are longing for.

A book I recently finished asked a few questions, and said to take time to “wonder” about the answers. This is from the book, “The Big Leap“, by Gay Hendricks.

“These questions are designed to bring forth hidden treasures from deep inside you. Wonder is the tool that invites these treasures up into the light. To wonder about something is to explore with an open mind and open heart.”

I thought… this is for me.

I don’t believe this only helps us find our career path, but also applies to the many stay-at-home moms I know, or even if you are retired. Many moms are looking for something part time, volunteer, or even a hobby, to feed their soul. I believe we truly live when we are following our heart, and feeding our soul. This could be our career, which is the jackpot, or a side job, hobby, or volunteer position. Either way, your heart and soul needs to be nurtured.

So the questions were:

What do I love most to do? (wonder about this until you have a sense of what it is) Then ask….

What work do I do that doesn’t seem like work? (even if you are doing it for a long time)

The last question explains that even if you are only doing this for a few minutes, you should feel a deeper connection, or new ideas will come to you.

I first knew that I love helping people. Then, I thought about how much I love helping people get past their health and fitness challenges and struggles. Even if I only talk to someone for a few minutes, or spend a few minutes writing about the same topic, I feel a deep sense of connection, and more ideas of how I can help begin to stir up in my mind.

The “30 Day Challenge to Just Move” came from those ideas. I wanted to walk alongside people that don’t know what to do, or need encouragement to get going, and help them every day. I loved this idea. I need a push every day too.

As I was writing this post, I received this text from a friend who had just started the challenge….

I just wanted to share…I dropped off the kids at school and had my workout clothes on but honestly wasn’t feeling it (that time of the month) I came home and as I walked in the front door, I read your email. I went out and walked a half mile and ran a half mile. Thank you! I need to hold myself more accountable but your emails and your daily motivations are pushing me and I need to be pushed. 

It immediately brought tears to my eyes. THIS was exactly why I created the challenge. I loved that it pushed her and I loved that she shared it. I know you can relate.

SO NOW….I want to know more about what challenges YOU face. What struggles make it harder to take care of your self and feel better. I want to hear from YOU. Please reach out and tell me what you struggle with. Tell me what you want more help with. Let me know if there is something you want to know more about. I would love to create another book, challenge, video or article to help you. Most of your challenges are someone else’s challenges too. Usually, it is something I have heard before, and I have an idea or answer for you. So PLEASE reach out to me. I want to help, because I know….I LOVE to help.

On a side note, The Big Leap, is about much more than these questions. I believe we all need to read it to help us improve our health, relationships, and daily life. I had several “aha” moments throughout the book. He talks about our “upper limit problem” and I tell you what….we all have it, and now every day, I see where it comes up and holds me back to a better marriage, better health and being who I truly am.

Check it out and open up your life to something that is so much more.

Enjoy today,

Kelley Ranaudo

Last updated on August 1, 2024 by Kelley Ranaudo
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Kelley Ranaudo

As a mom, I understand the struggles of balancing life. I'm here to help you thrive in health, fitness, and faith. Let’s walk this path together and embrace a life enriched by wellness and inspiration.

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