The Devil Works Overtime During the Holidays

The Devil Works Overtime During the Holidays

As beautiful as this time of year is, I find that there are many things that can overwhelm, stress, or even bring many of us down. So many people right next to you, are going through so much. It is easy to be full of joy one moment, and then completely overwhelmed the next. Experiencing tears of joy one moment, and tears of grief, sadness, or frustration, the next moment. Emotions are normal at all times of year, but I believe the holidays can really get to some of us, especially if we don’t give ourselves, and eachother, grace.

As I lay down at the end of Christmas day, my head began to swirl with all that went wrong throughout the day, and the previous days leading up to the big day. All of the balls I dropped, how I messed up, what I said wrong, when I lost my patience, when my kids made poor choices,….and on and on. It was like the devil turned on every bit of my faults, and was replaying them to me over and over.

I am blessed more than I ever could have imagined. I love every bit of what Christmas is truly about. My heart was as full as could be walking out of church the night before. We made so many good memories this year with cousins, friends, and each other. Memories were my goal this year, not things. I was full before the big day even arrived, but still…if you let him, the devil will try hard to keep you believing of all that is terrible and wrong. Of all that is not enough.

That you didn’t do enough.

That you didn’t give enough.

That you didn’t say enough.

That you don’t have enough.

That you aren’t enough.

There are so many going through so much more this holiday, and feeling overwhelmed with sadness. Missing loved ones. Missing their babies. Missing their spouse. Missing their parents. Missing themselves.

To every one of you that had a hard time this holiday, you are enough. If you are going through a hard season, keep believing that there is good. If you feel alone, go to God. You always, always have him. Keep him close. Talk to him. Ask for strength. Ask for hope. Ask for courage. Ask for love. Ask for the miracle that you need. Keep your faith strong, and keep your hope alive. Look for beauty. Look for what is good. Keep looking. You have to keep looking to find it.

Don’t let the devil make you believe that you aren’t enough. Don’t let the devil make you think there isn’t any good. You are special, unique and loved. You are exactly who you are supposed to be. No matter what you are going through, love who you are. Be kind to yourself. Don’t give up on yourself.

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.

1 Peter 5:8-9 

Stand firm in your faith. Christmas is beautiful, and the beauty of it all is for you to believe. Believe in something. Believe in something bigger than all of us. Believe in what IS bigger than all of us. Believe in what you can not see. Always, always believe in something more.

Beauty is in the presence, not the presents. Beauty is in the magic. Beauty is in the moments. Beauty is in faith, hope and love. Beauty is within you. Find the beauty and embrace it, one simple beauty at a time. If this seems hard to find, make the beauty, and you will see beauty. One hug at a time. One smile at a time. One kind word at a time.

Give yourself grace and enjoy the simple beauty of the season,

Kelley Ranaudo

Last updated on August 1, 2024 by Kelley Ranaudo
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Kelley Ranaudo

As a mom, I understand the struggles of balancing life. I'm here to help you thrive in health, fitness, and faith. Let’s walk this path together and embrace a life enriched by wellness and inspiration.

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