Are You Ready to Change Your Habits?

Are You Ready to Change Your Habits?

Let’s be honest, it is easy to let habits become who we are. Because we then have excuses for why things are the way they are.

We think, “that’s just me”, or “I’ve always been that way”, or “it’s because of my parents”.

Break the Cycle

Here’s the deal…

Our response, or action, or lack of action, just becomes a cycle. It is honestly on repeat.

Until you decide to break the cycle and change the habit.

Yep…I know, it IS possible to “break the cycle”.

You Get to Change Your Habits

Here is the best part…

Habits are not who we are. Habits are what we do. Habits can change. We can change them.

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Romans 12:21

In all seriousness, a few years ago, I told my husband, “it is time for us to buck up and grow up”, like we have to actually “do” as we say.

Our kids are big now. Our habits can become their habits. What do we really want to give them? They watch and take in every single thing we do. They call us out on it too.

Even though it has slowly become a joke in the last few years, but when I first brought this up to him…I was serious. I knew I had many bad habits, that I wanted and needed to change.

Listen, you have a choice.


You can rise up and get really honest, confess, and confront your weakness.

It is an amazing feeling to free yourself and empower yourself to change.

You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

Ephesians 4:22-24

For me… my kids make me want to step up my game.

Be better. Do better. Live better.

Not only the big choices, but even more so the small choices that truly make up who you are and how you respond to the challenges of daily life.


Walk the Walk

I want them to see me chase my dreams.

I want them to see me get really uncomfortable and do things I am scared of.

I want them to see my help others when it is inconvenient and unpopular.

I realized they were watching me just talk about my dreams. I knew just talking about helping people and being kind wouldn’t help them.

They had to see me be kind, when someone else wasn’t.

They had to see me walk away, when I wanted to give someone a piece of my mind.

They needed to see me pray, instead of show anger.

Get Honest with Your Habits

I had to get honest…

I used to say…I just don’t have patience. I anger easily.

I also was usually quick to judge. I would take things too personal. I thought I knew everyone’s motives, and what they probably thought of me. I thought everyone needed to know my opinion.

I was usually running late. I was sensitive to everything. I would make something big, out of something small. I would always feel like I needed to make everything ok.

I always had to explain my motives, and apologize when people didn’t understand. Quick to complain. Good at finding people’s faults.

I could go on and on. Like that’s☝️not enough. ?‍ A few years ago, I don’t believe I would have been able to admit and be that honest.

When I admitted my habits were not what I wanted for myself, and especially not what I wanted to give my kids…my life began to change.

I would bet many of you can relate. Maybe you aren’t completely ready to be that honest yet. That is ok. Just think about it.

Here’s the Best Part

Let me say it again:

You CAN change every single habit you don’t want.

Here’s the Hard Part

YOU have to get honest. Admit your weakness. Possibly be embarassed. Probably be pretty uncomfortable. Being honest with the people you love, so they can help you and give you grace too. Start giving yourself a lot of grace everyday, because changing takes time.

You better be prepared…some people might resist you changing. Again, get honest, be who you are trying to be, and those that are with you will be with you.

Let’s get real. I still work on many of these every single day. Some I am much better at. Some are still really hard.

But…I feel better. I know I am better. I also know that I am doing better. For myself, and for my kids.

I challenge you today.

You ready?

Want some help? Start my 5 day simple Refresh & Restart Course today. It was designed to help you get honest and change your habits. Join me.

Choose what you want to leave to your kids. Choose to break the cycle. Choose to be better.

Kelley Ranaudo

Hi, I'm Kelley. I once thought I had it all figured out, but I learned that feeling our best means nurturing our WHOLE SELF. It's not just about fitness or good nutrition, but much more. Subscribe to the newsletter, and let's embrace a joyful journey to wellness together.