Author: Kelley Ranaudo

  • Week 7…Take time for YOU

    July 17, 2017
    MIND and SOUL Just for the mind and soul today, it is time to find what fills your soul. This…
  • Still Week 6…Get Your Workout On

    July 13, 2017
    WEEK 6 We are still cruising through week 6. If you are bored with your strength routine, here are some…
  • Week 6….Encourage Others and Take time to Rest

    July 10, 2017
    WEEK 6 Short and sweet this week. I have so much I want to give you, but I know it…
  • Week 5… Every Day Work to Feel Good

    July 3, 2017
    WEEK 5 MIND We are deep into summer and our minds are probably needing more work every day. I had…
  • Week 4…BELIEVING and Positivity

    June 26, 2017
    So here we are at week 4 of summer. Hopefully, you are moving several times a week, drinking water, loving…
  • Week 3…Chaos, Gratitude and SUGAR

    June 19, 2017
    So lets get real. Summer can be chaos. Any time of year can be chaos for that matter. I, personally,…
  • New Day…Fresh Start

    June 15, 2017
    Today is a new day. Either keep working toward your goal or start today. No matter where you are, a…
  • Week 2… Keep Going

    June 12, 2017
    Let's start this week off right. No matter what happened last week, THIS is a new week. First, lets be…
  • Mid-Week Check-In

    June 7, 2017
    We are mid-week and I am hoping you have worked out once, drank a lot of water and had many…
  • Week 1…Love Yourself Enough to Take Action and Live a Healthy Lifestyle

    June 5, 2017
    It is week 1 of our summer accountability group and I am excited. I have wanted to do this for…
  • Join My Summer Accountability Group

    May 31, 2017
    With summer upon us, we have long days, lots of spontaneous fun and crazy schedules. I love the laid back,…
  • Let us not grow weary in doing good... Galatians 6:9

    The Reason for the Season

    May 27, 2017
    We have finished another great season of baseball and softball. I just love watching my kids play ball. Both of…
  • Full Time Faith

    May 8, 2017
    Are you having faith full time or do you let fear get in the way some of the time? Do…
  • How to Start Moving

    April 20, 2017
    For many of us, the thought of actually getting active seems overwhelming. To start with, it seems impossible to find…
  • Consistency and Action

    April 15, 2017 what I struggle with. Consistently taking action. I know it and I am working hard to be more consistent…
  • My Super Food

    April 7, 2017
    Taking care or our health is a big job. There is an abundance of information and opinions out there. There…
  • Time to Start

    April 2, 2017
    This message is close to my heart. There are so many people close to me that I have conversations like…
  • Healthy Choices Healthy Life

    March 30, 2017
    When we know we want to feel better and be healthier, where do we start? There are too many choices…
  • Mindset

    March 23, 2017
    With so many things coming at us in life, our mindset can affect everything. Filling our mind with healthy thoughts…
  • We all Need a Little Help from our Friends

    March 14, 2017
    So, like most of us, I am not always good at asking for help. I do LOVE to help others,…
  • foam roller fun

    Foam Roller Fun

    March 10, 2017
    Do you use props when you workout or stretch? You might have some at home that you bought along the…
  • Enjoy the Journey

    March 2, 2017
    This is a post from a year ago, but with all the spring sports getting ready to start, I wanted…
  • Products for your family by Kelley Ranaudo

    Today is a New Day

    February 27, 2017
    Right about now, or maybe already, many of us have already put aside those New Year's resolutions. We are almost…
  • Breaking the Plateau

    February 13, 2017
    Have you reached a plateau in your health journey? Were you cruising toward your goal and suddenly you feel like…
  • Planking

    Are you wanting a Stronger Core? You should be Planking.

    February 13, 2017
    Easy tip for this just have to DO IT. I LOVE the plank. It is absolutely by far one…