10 Things You Should Do Every Day to Feel Better This Year

10 Things You Should Do Every Day to Feel Better This Year

There are a zillion things you could do to feel better and improve your health every day. It is overwhelming. I am sure you know people trying different diets and workouts. These do work for some. It isn’t always the plan that does the trick, but the person. It is hard to find what works for you. I always say to take one step at a time. One small choice at a time. Every good choice makes a difference. It is small choices, every single day that lead to us feeling better. We need to make it so simple, that we can remember and practice it as many days as possible, so that it becomes a lifestyle. A healthier lifestyle for the long haul.

You don’t want your life to become either I am on a plan, or I am not. Try to gradually add better choices in your life. Balancing this is something we will always be working on and that is ok. I always remember the 80/20 rule. It is ok to fall off balance 20% of the time. Give yourself a break when you do, and just make the next choice a good one.

There are many, many things that could be on this list, but let’s keep it simple. I believe simple is more of what our lives need. So if you don’t know where to start….start here.

  1. Eat less sugar. This can take time, but just start reducing it today. Sugar leads to many health problems. Stop letting it control you. You control how much you eat. You can do it.
  2. Move, move, move every day. Whether it is a hard-core workout, or a light walk after dinner and stretching. Your body needs movement every day. Challenge your body a few times a week, and move every other day as well.
  3. Lighten up and Laugh every day at something.
  4. Enjoy music every single day.
  5. Find a hobby. Like right now.
  6. Pray and have some quiet time every day.
  7. Practice gratitude daily.
  8. Get outside every day and actually enjoy nature. Truly take it in.
  9. Eat for what your body needs…veggies, fruit, fish, whole grains, healthy fats (olive oil, avocados, nuts). The Mediterranean lifestyle of eating is a good one to follow.
  10. Forgive and forget quicker.…THIS takes practice. It becomes easier with practice, and by choosing to avoid drama, stop overcomplicating things, lowering your expectations, letting go, and LOVING a whole lot more.

We all want to feel our best. If you know that you could feel better, evaluate your choices, and what you need in your life to feel a bit better. Small, healthy choices add up to a lot over time.

Our health is our greatest asset. Take care of it.

Enjoy today,

kelley ranaudo

Kelley Ranaudo

Hi, I'm Kelley. I once thought I had it all figured out, but I learned that feeling our best means nurturing our WHOLE SELF. It's not just about fitness or good nutrition, but much more. Subscribe to the newsletter, and let's embrace a joyful journey to wellness together.