Exploring faith and spirituality in motherhood's journey.
#60: You ALWAYS have a choice
Regardless of the circumstance, or situation, you have to always remember that you have a choice. Even if you don’t like what you have to do, you can choose a…...
#59: Unconditional Love
Begin to choose love with our daily interactions with our loved ones. Let us practice more grace, forgiveness, and letting go. Resources:Live Love Now, Rachel Macy StaffordDaily Intentions Journal To…...
#58: Let us not give up during this time
Let us not give up and throw in the towel. It is our responsibility to take care of ourselves, so that we are strong enough to take care of our…...
#57: Respect and Boundaries
It is easy to get upset or blame others for how they are treating you. But, if you are letting them treat you that way…they think you are ok with…...
#56: Living to please God and not the world
When I began my journey of saying no to things that were not filling my tank with good, I began to weigh every choice with God, my values, and where…...
#55: Morning Routine Reminder
It is so easy for our mornings to get hijacked, and eventually get out of the habit of starting our day in the way best for us. Let us refocus…...