Episodes from the Healthy Vibes Podcast
#162 You Are Worth It
Let us stop seeing exhaustion, skipping lunch, no breaks, never getting outside, working late hours, working weekends, etc as status symbols. It is time you stand up and know that ...#161 What We Can Control
We spend way too much time in worry, over thinking, drama, and more. Pay attention to what you can control and what you can’t. Stop spending time on what you ...#160 Don’t Let the World Rush You
The world will constantly rush you, pressure you, and pull you from God and calm in your life and day. You have to choose to step away from the crazy ...#159 Truth and Authenticity
Truth and authenticity are among the best gifts you can give yourself. Being true to yourself and your values, and living authentically, is your path to freedom. Takeaway: In what ...#158 Mind Your Mind
Let us take ownership of our mind. When negative self talk tries to derail us, what can we do to redirect it? It truly is up to us. Takeaway: When ...#156 One Thing That Will Improve Your Life
You can’t improve your life until you choose to own it. You have to take personal responsibility for your own life. Your next choice is yours. Takeaway: How can you ...