Author: Kelley Ranaudo

  • Mindset

    March 23, 2017
    With so many things coming at us in life, our mindset can affect everything. Filling our mind with healthy thoughts…
  • We all Need a Little Help from our Friends

    March 14, 2017
    So, like most of us, I am not always good at asking for help. I do LOVE to help others,…
  • foam roller fun

    Foam Roller Fun

    March 10, 2017
    Do you use props when you workout or stretch? You might have some at home that you bought along the…
  • Enjoy the Journey

    March 2, 2017
    This is a post from a year ago, but with all the spring sports getting ready to start, I wanted…
  • Products for your family by Kelley Ranaudo

    Today is a New Day

    February 27, 2017
    Right about now, or maybe already, many of us have already put aside those New Year's resolutions. We are almost…
  • Breaking the Plateau

    February 13, 2017
    Have you reached a plateau in your health journey? Were you cruising toward your goal and suddenly you feel like…
  • Planking

    Are you wanting a Stronger Core? You should be Planking.

    February 13, 2017
    Easy tip for this just have to DO IT. I LOVE the plank. It is absolutely by far one…
  • Less is not always More

    January 31, 2017
    Over the last few years, I have spent much time and energy on finding what is best to fill our…
  • Just Move

    January 26, 2017
    I thought this message might need to be sent again to help kick some people into gear...because if you are…
  • For Today…Live Your Life

    January 23, 2017
    For this week, here is an excerpt and a repost from my 30 day journey of motivation and encouragement. Since…
  • The struggle is part of the story

    The Struggle is Part of the Story

    January 17, 2017
    I have had this conversation several times recently with friends. They tell me they think I, or someone else, has…
  • Your Back Matters

    January 12, 2017
    Last night at a local group we have called "Wellness Wednesday", we talked about back health, so I am reposting…
  • The Whole You

    The Whole You

    January 2, 2017
    As we begin our journey into this New Year filled with hopes, dreams, excitement, plans and those so called "resolutions",…
  • 3 Things that Changed My Family

    3 Things That Changed My Family in 2016

    December 31, 2016
    As I reflect back on 2016, I first think of the many, many highs and amazing changes in my life.…
  • Never stop dreaming

    Never Stop Dreaming

    December 27, 2016
    As I watched my 6 year old's softball practice one day, there was one little girl that always seemed to…
  • Choose joy

    For today, I choose JOY

    December 5, 2016
    Life can be heavy. We all usually have something weighing on us, whether it is big or small, it can…
  • Are you taking care of yourself?

    Are you taking care of yourself?

    December 2, 2016
    Think about it...I would bet you have several people close to you that talk about how tired they are, how…
  • Just Start……Today

    November 26, 2016
    Reposting this earlier post to help kick some people into gear...because if you are still waiting for a formal plan,…
  • Live for God and Love Yourself

    Live for God and Love Yourself

    November 15, 2016
    It is so easy to let what others think or say, define how we feel. For some reason, it can…
  • Medicine Ball Fun for Kids

    Medicine Ball Fun for Kids

    October 27, 2016
    We are always looking for fun ways to do conditioning in our family. My kids are active, but I like…
  • Healthy Kids Healthy Future

    October 4, 2016
    There are many values we want to give our kids. The list is endless, and there is a constant balance…
  • Live to the Point of Tears

    September 20, 2016
    This post has been on my mind lately. I wrote it for my friend's blog last year, but never published…
  • Interval Training Works

    August 3, 2016
    I've said it before and I will say it again....Interval Training works. Whether you are just starting out or have…
  • Follow your dreams

    You Should Follow Your Dreams

    July 27, 2016
    When is the last time you felt alive, like pure excitement and fear mixed together? When is the last time…
  • Our Future

    July 15, 2016
    There is so much tragedy, anger and sadness in the world today. For us parents, this is scary as to…