It ain’t what It used to BE

It ain’t what It used to BE

I have had numerous conversations as of late about how things have changed. We are raising our kids in a different world. I have said it before, but now I really mean it….we grew up differently. It ain’t what it used to be. My parents grew up differently…and you know what, it is frustrating to me. Yes, there is the internet, social media, more pressure, and I could go on and on with all the things that speed us up, test our patience and make us want more at any cost. Yes all these things have changed this life we are living.

But you know what? Just because it is different, just because so much has changed….there are many, many things that should never, EVER change.

Yep, that’s right. Now that I am a big ol’ grown up, I know that it is my time to put my energy into raising my babies. We all know it is a lot of work. Parents are tired. It is even more work to truly try our best to raise our kids with good values, kindness and being true to who they are. This is hard when you are trying to fit in at school, and be popular on social media. No matter how old they are, our babies need a safe place to feel good about themselves and to be loved. Give them that. They need US, more than them. They need US, more than peer groups and popularity.

I am no expert, but I know that we all need love and kindness. We need to feel it and we need to give it. We need a place where we feel loved, accepted and relaxed. For this, we need to slow down a bit, stop trying so hard to fit in and just enjoy time with our family and close friends.

Just for the record…again, no matter how much times have changed, there are many things that never, EVER need to change….

You can always, always be KIND. We all know, when we are truly not being kind.

You can always, always take time to teach your child how to treat others, especially when it is uncomfortable.

You can always, always teach your child how to be a friend.

You can always, always help your neighbor. Let us not just help the big causes, but help your neighbor, friend or fellow mom that could use a helping hand or someone to lean on. We need to support each other. We need to support the people we are doing life with every single day.

You can always, always make someone else feel good.

You can always, always be respectful.

You can always, always accept, and like, and be friends with someone that has different views than you.

You can always, always work hard.

You can always, always stand up for someone else, even when you are going against the crowd. THIS means MORE than fitting in.

You can always, always have good manners.

You can always, always say hello when you see someone.

You can always, always have compassion for others and you can act on it.

I tell my kids that kindness, making someone feel good, or even just saying hello to someone can be uncomfortable. THIS is where the work comes in. Making others feel good is sometimes uncomfortable, hard work that takes courage. THIS is worth it. If we help our kids to do this now, it will become easier. They will do it more. Our future needs us to do this. Our future needs us to do hard things now with our kids. It is wonderful to teach our kids service and helping big causes. Right now, we have people right next to us hurting that need us. Kids that need to feel good. Kids that just need to feel accepted. Adults too. I think my kids feel it even more when it is someone so close that they know might be hurting.

Myself and my family are far from perfect. We have days where we know we might have not been as kind or helpful as we should have, and that is ok. We are all human. I promise that every day we still get up and try our best to be kind, accepting, patient and compassionate. Every day is a day to start again.

So for today, be kind. Be real. Be compassionate. Be understanding and accepting. Be patient. For me…this is what makes a successful person.

This IS what matters and it IS always possible.

Kelley Ranaudo

Kelley Ranaudo

Kelley shares all things simple and good to help you truly live well. Get my Sunday emails to receive encouragement every Sunday. Let's embark on this journey together!