Take a Stand with How You Live

Take a Stand with How You Live

Life feels out of control lately. So busy. Everyone is going in so many directions. Just so busy. Posting, liking, scrolling and out of breath. This leaves me unsettled.

I am consumed with wanting a simpler life.

I am consumed with wanting less, so that I can have more.

I am consumed with how to get there.

Being consumed like this leads to being overwhelmed, even when you are trying to simplify. In the midst of life pulling too much in what feels like all the wrong ways….I have to stop. Pray. Breathe. Read. Write. Just be present.

As I am feeling like I just can’t always help the ones I love the most. This is hard. I just can not do all that I want to do every day. This weighs on my heart. I want to be there and help, but this is not always possible.

Once again, I have to stop and pray.

Again, just be present. Be present where I need to be for today, for this season, for this time.

No matter how we try, we can easily get caught up in what is going on around us.

There is a whole lot we can not change, and this will always be, so we have to live our lives, by what we need. Our values, our loves, our passions, and what truly matters to us. This can be so hard. I feel like I have to cut myself off from the world, but at the same time lean in closer to the world. This can be so confusing, but so clear at the same time.

Either way, I will take one day at at time, one choice at a time and one step at a time.

I have to be present over perfect every time.

I have to be aware of how my little ones are feeling.

I have to live by my values, and not get distracted or even confused by how someone else is living.

I have to be open and accepting to others, and still always be honest with myself.

I have to have courage every day, and that is ok.

I have to soften my heart every day, no matter what harshness this world brings me.

I have to always love no matter what.

I have to be here.

I have to have boundaries with this world of technology and social media, and respect and use those boundaries every day.

I have to give encouragement every day and surround myself with any encouragement and support I can.

I have to remember that small things really are the big things. Yes, small things really are the big things.

I have to help others in small ways, because these really are the big ways. Yes, these really are the big ways.

For today, I choose to live my life, by my values, walking with my God and hoping to be the best I can be for today. That is all I can do right now. Slow down, simplify, talk to God, and be there for those I can be. That is it for now.

Be present over perfect today. Change what we can. Accept what we can’t and have the wisdom to know the difference.




Kelley Ranaudo

Kelley Ranaudo

Kelley shares all things simple and good to help you truly live well. Get my Sunday emails to receive encouragement every Sunday. Let's embark on this journey together!