Smoothie for the Day

Smoothie for the Day

We love smoothies and juicing over here at our house. I know that it is not for everyone, and that, of course, is OK. For us, it is an easy meal for breakfast or any meal for that matter, and it gives you so many vitamins and minerals and good, good stuff in one drink. Your body is craving the goodness of a shake or smoothie.

For those of you that LOVE smoothies, or maybe want to try, here are a few tips.

I always thought I would never “Juice”. I eat good. I usually eat lots of fruits and raw vegetables. Of course, I never REALLY looked into it. Well, once I did… and I REALLY look forward to a juice or smoothie each day and I miss it when I don’t have one.  The book “Hungry for Change” is what changed my mind, and now we have a NUTRi BULLET, which I LOVE and the books and manuals that came with it are awesome. I know there could possibly be better, and there are more expensive juicers out there, but this works for us. Most of our juices have kale or spinach, any fruit that we have, sometimes Spirulina (which “Hungry for Change” talks about), water and ice. The NUTRi BULLET gives many different options to help different areas of health.

Our smoothies include some of any of the following, either greek yogurt,  or a protein powder. Cinnamon, cayenne or other healthy yummy spices. Any of the veggies and fruits we put in our juice drinks. Mixing the two is always good. Frozen fruit, coconut oil, PB2, banana, and/or coconut water. There are so many options.

Just throw anything healthy in your blender and drink it up.

Some recipes that we use are:

Recipe #1

  • Celery
  • Cucumber
  • Kale leaves
  • handful of fresh parsley
  • Lemon or orange
  • Apple
  • water and ice
  • Spirulina (if you have it)

Recipe #2 

  • Kale or Spinach
  • Any fruit (bananas, strawberries, blueberries, peaches, grapes)
  • 1/4 cup of sunflower seeds or walnuts
  • water and ice

Recipe #3

  • Coconut water and ice
  • Your favorite protein powder (we have ours)
  • PB2
  • banana
  • frozen strawberries or blueberries or both
  • 1 tsp coconut oil
  • cinnamon powder

Recipe #4

  • Water and ice
  • Vanilla greek yogurt
  • big handful of spinach
  • apples
  • cinnamon
  • coconut oil
  • frozen blueberries

We mix these up in so many ways.  We always have kale or spinach. The fruit varies. We like adding spirulina or some type of nuts if we have them. Sometimes we use coconut water as well which is yummy. The options are endless.

Today we had kale, an apple, some mango slices, sunflower seeds, water and ice.
I have heard good reviews of many different juicers, but I can only brag about the NUTRi BULLET because that is the only one we have personally used. It was a gift, and a great gift for sure. We used our blender for months before getting it and our blender worked great.

For our kids, we modify it a little to make it better and to get them to drink eat. We put mostly fruit, a little green and we usually leave the nuts out.  Sometimes I add some local honey to make it sweeter.

Slow down…enjoy today and try a juice! Let me know how it goes!

Kelley Ranaudo

Hi, I'm Kelley. I once thought I had it all figured out, but I learned that feeling our best means nurturing our WHOLE SELF. It's not just about fitness or good nutrition, but much more. Subscribe to the newsletter, and let's embrace a joyful journey to wellness together.