Still Week 6…Get Your Workout On

Still Week 6…Get Your Workout On


We are still cruising through week 6. If you are bored with your strength routine, here are some options to add to your workout or change up your workout. If you aren’t comfortable changing it up, don’t.

As long as you have some type of strength routine at least twice a week, you are good!



You can do these 4 exercises, or switch any of them out with one from the previous routine. My goal right now is to give you 2 lower body exercises and 2 upper body exercises for your big muscle groups. Do 1-3 sets of the exercises. This is up to you. Just listen to your body and how you feel. You want to feel challenged, but not dizzy or nauseous, and no sharp pain.

Here are new options you can add to your routine if you are comfortable.


  1. 10-20 wide turned out squats (Plie’ Squats)

2. 10 Curtsy Lunges on each side

3.  10 Push Ups (regular or modified)

(add alternating side planks in between if you want a challenge)

4. 15 Bent Over Rows


  • Encourage, be helpful, be kind, and lift others up
  • Be sure you are giving your body REST
  • 2-3 days of cardio and/or interval training activity this week
  • 2 days of strength training this week


  • Eat every few hours. Do not skip any meals.
  • Drink plenty of water each day.
  • Pay attention to and limit your sugar intake.
  • Practice your daily routine to start each day so that you are in a good mindset.
  • Practice gratitude daily.
  • Schedule a physical.
  • ACCEPT that every day you will do daily work to have POSITIVE energy, LOVE yourself and BELIEVE in yourself
  • Eat all natural. Avoid preservatives, fake sugars and artificial ingredients.



It is up to you how much you want to get out of this accountability group. If you want more than just this email, please fill out this Accountability Form. The more I know, the more I can help you. If you actually tell someone your goals, the better you will do.

I would love any feedback , especially how I can help you more.

Enjoy today, encourage someone and get moving!!

Kelley Ranaudo

Kelley Ranaudo

Kelley shares all things simple and good to help you truly live well. Subscribe now to receive encouragement every Sunday. Let's embark on this journey together!