Week 10…Taking Care of Our Whole Self and The People in Our Life

Week 10…Taking Care of Our Whole Self and The People in Our Life

Week 10

The “professional” image above is one I have drawn many times over the years for friends, clients and projects I have worked on, to show ALL that goes into us feeling our BEST. I do believe that we can’t feel our best without our MIND work, but also feel that usually nutrition and fitness CAN truly help us get to a place where we actually WANT to work on our mind and many of the other aspects of our WHOLE self. I personally felt a shift in my mind when I improved my nutrition, and this was amazing and truly possible.

You could probably add to this diagram as well, and that is great. The point is we have to work on all of these, and balance is hard, but just NURTURE and be AWARE of each.


As some of us are getting back into routine this week with school starting, it is a good week to talk about balance with our relationships. Relationships are a big part of how we feel. Relationships are so important and good for us, but also can sometimes be a struggle that requires a lot of work. I have had these conversations more lately, because I do believe friends my age have become much more aware of how relationships can affect how we feel.

Most importantly for me is my relationship with God. I need to nurture this everyday and this is what gives me the strength, guidance and help with balance for all the relationships in my life. When we talk about balance, we all know this can be tough trying to give to all of the special people in our life.

Our immediate family is where most of our time goes, that is usually those amazing people living under our roof with us. We are giving most of our time to our spouse and our kids.

Many of us are still blessed enough to have our parents and in-laws, that might require more help from us as they get older. Let’s then add our siblings, extended family, friends, neighbors and coworkers. This list can go on, making us grateful for all of our relationships, but overwhelmed at times trying to give to everyone.


I think I have made my point, that there is a lot to juggle when it comes to relationships. By NO means am I an expert in this area. In all honesty, this is one of my greatest struggles, but I do know that this is what I’ve learned to help me…

  • I will never live up to many people’s expectations. On MOST days, I am FINALLY ok with this.
  • I have lowered my expectations. I do my best to be understanding with what I will get from others.
  • I have HEALTHY boundaries. I have learned that I have to do what is best for me, my family and what honors my values. Period. Boundaries do not mean you don’t want to be around someone, or even that you don’t love someone. This is a healthy way of saying, it is ok to say NO to those you love, and to truly say YES when it works for you.
  • AWARENESS is so important…Know who truly lifts you up. Know who truly accepts you for you. Know who brings out the best in you. Know who is authentic with you. Know who YOU truly matter to. When I leave after being around someone, I always take in how I am feeling. It is usually very clear if I feel good about myself, or if I feel less than or unsettled. If I do feel less than, I try to determine if its me and something that I can change, or if it is the relationship that needs to change. If it is a relationship that will always be in your life, you have to learn how to change yourself to be stronger and not let this person make you feel less than. This can be hard, but it IS possible and will take work.
  • Also be aware of how you treat others. Be sure you lift others up. Be sure you truly accept others for who they are. Bring out the best in others. Be authentic and genuine. Don’t pretend or put on an act. If someone matters to you, let them know.
  • Sometimes to nurture a relationship, you can call them, message them or send them a card. It doesn’t have to be big. Even if it isn’t enough for them, depending on where you are, give what you can.



For this week, keep working out 4-5 times this week. Put it on your calendar. Be tough on yourself and make it happen. Just move, walk, jog, swim, or dance. Your body craves movement and it wants to be challenged. Moving your body, and getting your blood flowing will help with stress, depression, irritation and moodiness. So exercise helps with so much more. Get moving!!

Reach out to me if you have questions or need some new ideas. If you want a personal coaching call before the group ends, send me an email and we can schedule it.

Enjoy the week and work to nurture a part of your WHOLE self every single day!


  • Eat every few hours. Do not skip any meals.
  • Drink plenty of water each day.
  • Pay attention to and limit your sugar intake.
  • Eat all natural. Avoid preservatives, fake sugars and artificial ingredients.
  • Eat enough protein
  • Don’t stuff yourself
  • Schedule a physical.
  • Practice your daily routine to start each day so that you are in a good mindset.
  • Practice gratitude daily.
  • ACCEPT that every day you will do daily work to have POSITIVE energy, LOVE yourself and BELIEVE in yourself
  • Take time to quiet the mind
  • Do something creative that your SOUL is craving
Kelley Ranaudo

Kelley Ranaudo

Kelley shares all things simple and good to help you truly live well. Get my Sunday emails to receive encouragement every Sunday. Let's embark on this journey together!