Are You Surviving or Thriving?

Are You Surviving or Thriving?

Am I choosing to survive or thrive in this life of mine?

I have asked myself this question many times before, and have been asking it a lot lately. Of course, I want to be thriving in all of life, and this is what I strive for, but there are many days and times and seasons that I have purely felt that I was in survival mode. I know I will have times that survival mode might be the only option, but I am going to do my best, even in the midst of the overwhelming struggles of life, to thrive the best that I can.

Thriving means I am taking care of myself the best that I can no matter what is going on in life.

Thriving means during struggles, I still need balance and I have to do my best not to lose myself and my health in the process.

Thriving means during times of the ordinary, daily routine, I am enjoying, loving and embracing even the most ordinary moments, because I NOW know that this is what matters most. THIS is what I miss most when life throws us times of challenge and struggle…. when the ordinary, daily routine is not possible.

Thriving means during times of pure celebration and excitement, I won’t let anyone take away my joy.

Thriving means having and finding and holding on to JOY even in times of despair.

Thriving is a choice. Yes, there are days where survival mode seems like the only option, and quite possibly it is. I will still try my best to hold on, and find joy, good health and peace in the midst of the chaos and struggle.

Thriving is having FAITH that we are not always in control of the outcome.

Thriving is what I want my children to see and strive for as well. Thriving is what life is about….even in the middle of the overwhelming seasons of life.

Thriving is a mindset. Thriving is choosing not to wallow in my stress. Thriving is choosing not to complain constantly, and choosing not to worry about what I can not control.

Thriving is choosing FAITH over fear. Thriving is choosing to love, and not judge, and to not only listen to my opinion.

Thriving is being open minded and able to adjust to what I can not control.

Thriving is choosing to help, give, and love, even when it is not convenient.

Thriving is taking ONE day at a time, and doing all that I can to make the most of that ONE day.

I find that in order to thrive, there are small choices that I make every day that lead to thriving, instead of just surviving.

So for today….

I choose to enjoy every single cup of coffee I get.

I choose to enjoy all of those ordinary moments, because I know that these moments are really what brings me the most JOY.

I choose to love those around me for them, and not judge them for their differences.

I choose not to give my opinions, unless asked, and choose to give love and support instead.

I choose to surround myself the best I can with others that lift me up, encourage and support me, because THIS is what we all need.

I choose to hug, smile, thank, and lift others every chance I can.

I choose to take in the beauty of what God has made around me, because I know it is there, even during trials and suffering.

I choose to surround myself with others that have FAITH, so that they will remind me to keep my FAITH, when worry tries to take its place.

I choose FAITH. I choose HOPE. I choose LOVE. I choose JOY.

I choose all of these over worry, fear and despair, because that is what will help me hold on, and get through times of struggle and suffering.

This is what will help me enjoy every bit of life during tough times,  or during ordinary routine times. This is what will also help me celebrate and throughly embrace times of celebration. These choices are what will help me thrive, instead of just survive, no matter what the day brings.

We can not control everything. God is in control. His plan might not be our plan. In order to truly live our life, and not get lost in the circumstances, we have to choose to thrive, and not just survive this life of ours.

THIS, my friends, is a choice. You get to choose how you handle today and how you react to your circumstances. THIS is your life. No matter how much despair you are feeling right now, go to FAITH. Don’t lose your faith and hope in the process.

FAITH is what will get us through, and having FAITH will help you to still thrive, even in the lowest of times.

Choose to thrive today. Your health, your life, and your loved ones need THIS.

Kelley Ranaudo

Kelley Ranaudo

Kelley shares all things simple and good to help you truly live well. Get my Sunday emails to receive encouragement every Sunday. Let's embark on this journey together!