Promoting health and wellbeing.
Tip #18…Make it Family Time
With summer upon us, our workouts sometimes become even more difficult to schedule. We have to think differently about our workout time with the craziness of the summer schedule. To…...
Tip #10…Don’t Overeat!
This can be so easy to do in today's world of bigger servings and super-sized options. Why get a small, when you can super-size for only 50 cents more? Slow…...
Tip # 8 Find a Buddy
If you are struggling to get motivated to workout, find a buddy. Find a friend, spouse, neighbor or one of your kids to help keep you accountable. Look for someone…...
Tip # 7…No Artificial Sweeteners!
Approved artificial sweeteners include Aspartame, Sucralose, Saccharin, Neotame and Acesulfame Potassium. Just because they are approved, does not make them ok for you. Sad but true. Most studies show that…...