Fun and engaging fitness activities.
#173 Pay Attention to What You Are Following
Pay attention and become aware of how things affect you. You get to choose what you follow and where you spend your time. Choose wisely. Unfollow things that don’t fill…...
#172 Your Mind and Heart Connection
Every thought you have directly affects your heart, and your heart is the wellspring of life. We have to protect it. Protect it with good thoughts, Bible verses, gratitude practice,…...
#171 Save Your Energy
Energy is so precious, and it is what helps me make most decisions. Know yourself. Know when you are depleted. Know when you need filling. Nobody knows this but you.…...
5 Tips for the Holiday Season
This time of year can be beautiful, joyful, and wondrous, but can also be stressful, exhausting, and frustrating for many. The balance of the emotions, the craziness as we try…...
Exercises In My 40’s, 50’s and Beyond
Exercise is important at all ages, but in my 50’s there are a few things I am sure to include in my workouts. Most importantly, move every day in some…...
#164 Life Changing Health Choices
This is not to minimize fitness and exercise, because they will always be such important health choices. But these simple shifts to your life can make all the difference. Prayer,…...