Uplifting messages to inspire moms in their daily journey.
#150: Their story is not your story
Balance your day by starting with what matters most. Be intentional about filling your time and energy with what is most important in your life. Put these things at the…...
What Helps Me Embrace Life After 50
I have found that when I begin feeling the effects of being over 50, I choose to challenge myself more, and this one choice helps me to embrace this new…...
5 Things I Do in a Busy Season When Life Is Hard
Some seasons are emotional, overwhelming, and really hard all at one time. These 5 things help me keep peace in my heart and not lose it too often. Resources:...
Surrender What Is Out of Your Control
Whatever you are facing this week, be honest with yourself as to what you can control and what you can’t. Do all that you can, and trust the rest to…...
#136: Drop your sword
Mel Robbins talked about this recently in this video, and boy did it hit home. Let’s stop being bothered, mad, and upset at every bit of resistance these days. In…...
#135: Bouncing Back for a Peaceful and Happy Life
When life throws the hard stuff at us, we can’t give up or stay down too long. We have to lean into God during the hardest of times, give unlimited…...