Episodes from the Healthy Vibes Podcast
#76: Perspective shifts
There are many times throughout the day and season that we all just need small shifts. Find a different perspective. Adjust your lens. Forgiveness. Grace. It could be worse. You ...#75: Do you really want a solution?
It takes maturity, letting go, courage and humility to actually take a calm, strategic approach to solving the problem, fixing it, walking away, or just enduring your way through. God ...#74: Letting Go of Control and Trusting God
Trying to control all things can lead to anxiety, disappointment, frustration, and stress. What are you trying to control that you should begin to let go of the grip you ...#73: Feelings Can Visit, But They Don’t Need To Stay
There is nothing wrong with how something makes us feel, but we should pay attention to how long we hold on to these feelings. This can affect our health, the ...#72: Midweek Encouragement…Eyes Up
Listen to Monday’s podcast episode #71 to hear the intention for this week of choosing HOPE and JOY amidst heartache and struggle. Resources:Daily Intentions JournalYouVersion Bible App Subscribe: Apple Podcasts ...#71: Celebrating and finding JOY
This is week 4 of a 4 week series. Even in our darkest days, God will give us hope, joy, and light. We just have to seek it, find it, ...