When You Do Something You Love…It Shows

When You Do Something You Love…It Shows

More lessons from my little ones….We have always pushed our kids to be involved in something, or sumpin, as my daughter Norah says. There has to be an active sport or activity that they are in. It has been easy for our kids because they both LOVE sports and love to be outside and active. We hope they want to try many different sports or activities over the next few years, and other new things as well. Amazingly, our two love most of what they try. They love playing with other kids. They love competition and they love being challenged by a sport. This has been so much fun for us to watch because we love sports too, and sports with kids is just even better. I. Love. It. I look forward to every game and hate to miss any of it. I enjoy watching all the kids out there, but boy can you tell the kids that have found something they love. It is a JOY to watch kids that LOVE what they are doing. The passion just radiates out of them. Whether they make the play or not, the passion is there. My boy used to run all over the T-ball field. He wanted to make all the plays. My dad used to say, you can not give a kid passion, and Luke had passion all over that field. Yes, he was in the wrong position and trying to take over his teammates job, and mom was telling him to get back to his spot, but Papa kept saying….that is passion.

find what you loveI love the passion. I love watching kids eyes light up and smile when they are playing. Whether it is baseball, the piano, football, dance, gymnastics or fishing. I just love it. To find something you love is an absolute blessing. To be able to DO something you love is good for the soul. Keep trying to find what your little one loves. There are so many options out there. When you find it, you will know. The excitement just pours out of them, and you will LOVE to watch them play. 

As adults, I always wonder why so many of us stop doing what we love. Yes, we have to work, and it can not always be what we love, but what happen to hobbies? The people I know that still make time for their hobbies, or their passion, or what they LOVE to do, are fueling their soul and lifting their spirit. These hobbies that we are passionate about can stay with us forever. If you love to draw, start again. Paint? Get yourself set up. Sports, writing, photography, tennis, coaching, dancing, animals, golf, guitar, or fishing?

let your lifeMake time for something besides work and responsibilities. Find the time to fill your soul and lift your spirit. It could make all the difference. Think about yourself and what you enjoy. Start again. We NEVER should have stopped.

Yes, both my kids have found things that they are passionate about and it pours out of them. It can be a mix of things. Ours are still young but have so much love for baseball, fishing, music and taking pictures. Who knows where any of this will go, but for now the love is obvious. We will continue to let them fuel their soul and lift their spirit. We will let them continue to try new things as well. You never know what you will find, but boy is it fun trying and so well worth it when you find something that they love.

Enjoy today and find something you love,



Last updated on August 1, 2024 by Kelley Ranaudo
Kelley Ranaudo

As a mom, I understand the struggles of balancing life. I'm here to help you thrive in health, fitness, and faith. Let’s walk this path together and embrace a life enriched by wellness and inspiration.

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