I am halfway through my 40’s. Yep, I sure am. You know what, I do like my 40’s. There are many challenges, but there is a freedom to 40 that I didn’t feel before now. It is so much easier to let go of things…things that used to hang on and NEVER let go. It is a such a feeling of peace.
So many challenges this past year, but there really is beauty and grace in everything. You have to look for it, and you have to truly be willing to find it.
I have found that there is truth in what they say….the days can seem long, and the years are short.
For this, I have learned so much. So very much….
First, and above all, in this super fast paced world, JUST stop being busy all the time. Stop it already.
The best things in life are simple and don’t cost a thing.
Hug more.
Forgive more.
Forget more. This gets easier as you get older.
Just BE more. Let others BE more too.
Lighten up and laugh at yourself.
Stop looking for things to complain about.
Not everyone needs to know your opinion. Yep…they sure don’t.
Life is much better off of Facebook….you know…like it used to be.
Being popular is overrated….WAY overrated.
Be REAL. Like really real. Not like you say you are real, but you still try to be whatever everyone wants. JUST BE REAL.
Be TRUE to yourself.
We are all supposed to be different and that is a good, good thing.
Stop trying to fit in. You shouldn’t have to try so hard. Either it fits, or it doesn’t.
Stop trying to please and impress.
Live for God and not for others.
Just be kind. Just BE Kind already. Like always. Like ALWAYS BE KIND.
Kind is the new cool. Kind is always better than cool. Cool is overrated too.
Listen more. Yes, stop trying to talk over everybody.
Adulting is hard. Yep, it sure is….and I applaud you if you don’t think it is.
Stop thinking you know what others are thinking…you don’t. Nope, you don’t.
Life is short, enjoy the coffee, wine and cheese.
Always have at least a few traditions.
Remember your roots.
Play more music….all kinds of music.
Have more dance parties…IN the Kitchen.
Laugh out loud.
Smile when you are down. Yes, especially when you are down.
Always get back up. Always.
Spend time by yourself.
Know that YOU are enough.
Above all…spend time with God, because that is what truly matters.
Enjoy each day, take one day at a time, and let’s all just try to be better than we were yesterday. That is enough.
Work hard in all you do, because how you do anything, becomes how you do everything.
For the New Year…..not a resolution, but a way of life my friend. Choose what matters to you, and live it.
Live Boldly. Love Unconditionally. Embrace what truly matters. Let go of the rest. Yep, Let. It. Go.

As a mom, I understand the struggles of balancing life. I'm here to help you thrive in health, fitness, and faith. Let’s walk this path together and embrace a life enriched by wellness and inspiration.
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