Weekly Vibes

Weekly Vibes

It is a new week. What is it that YOU are wanting and how do YOU plan to get it? Plan your week and set your vibes. It is up to YOU!

New this Week

Fall is here, even if you aren’t feeling it in the heat outside. Sheesh! Even if the temperature hasn’t changed, fall brings some good, good stuff with it. Along with fall comes everything pumpkin everywhere, including seasonal shakes from Isagenix. My two favorites, Mocha and Pumpkin Spice are back for a limited time. Yes! Pumpkin Spice!! We love everything pumpkin in this house. You have to sign in to the website to get the seasonal flavors, so reach out to me if you need help.

Isagenix also now has a line of essential oils, so you can get your favorite protein shake and lavender oil all in one place. Yay!!

Encouragement this Week

Today IS a new day. No matter what this past week has brought you, today you get to start again. If you are having unsettled feelings in your heart, or feelings you don’t like, first know that these emotions are normal.  Also know that you have the ability to feel differently and choose again. Yes, you get to choose.

So for today, pause, pray about what you are feeling, and ask God to give you the strength to choose differently. Repeat, as many times as needed. Let this calm you. Continue to pray until your heart and mind feel calm and open to choosing differently.

Then, begin to choose joy. What in your life brings you joy? What are you grateful for? What makes you feel good?

Take time to practice gratitude and write down 10 things you are grateful for.

Along with this month’s challenge, plan what you will do today to fill yourself up.

Verse of the Week

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.  Do everything in love.

1 Corinthians 16:13-16

Don’t let the worldly distractions and comparisons steal your joy or your faith. Be on guard to what is most important to you. Pay attention to what is stealing your energy and attention. I read somewhere recently that if the devil doesn’t make you bad, he will keep you busy. Busy with all the wrong things. Be courageous enough to stand for what you believe, so that you can live your best life. Stay strong in your faith, and don’t let the world distract you or make you fearful. Be courageous, be strong and always act with love.

Challenge for This Week

Continue the September challenge and do something that is good for YOU every single day. We are changing our daily habits for the good, one day at a time. Feeling good comes from what we do every day over and over.

For this week, I challenge you to send encouragement, joy or an uplifting message to someone in your life. This can be a text, a phone call, a message, a visit or a hand written note. Every day shoot off a quick encouraging message to someone in your life to lift them up. Any positive message that will make them smile, feel good and give them a boost. We can all use one, right? This will make you feel good too.

If you are interested in getting daily encouragement like this then join our Healthy Vibes Today private Facebook group.

Recommendation this Week

Carrie Underwood singing “How Great Thou Art“, came over my Alexa this weekend, unplanned, and I want you to feel it too. Enjoy listening to this at least once this week.

Enjoy the week my friends! Take time to choose, and give, good vibes each day. 🙂

kelley ranaudo

Last updated on August 1, 2024 by Kelley Ranaudo
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Kelley Ranaudo

As a mom, I understand the struggles of balancing life. I'm here to help you thrive in health, fitness, and faith. Let’s walk this path together and embrace a life enriched by wellness and inspiration.

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