Week 9…Change

Week 9…Change


I will keep reminding you and hope that you are starting to remember, that to feel YOUR absolute BEST, you have to nourish the “whole YOU”. This means not just working out, and not just eating good. This means taking care of your mind, your soul, and your body.

For the last 4 weeks of our Accountability Group, I will continue to encourage you to work on your MIND, BODY and SOUL. Two more weeks of summer and then two weeks to help us get back into fall routine.



For your mind this week, I want you to just pay more attention to how you are feeling and what makes you feel good and what might be pulling you down still. If there is something obvious pulling you down, think about how you can change this. It could be easy, or it could be challenging. If for some reason it is challenging, think about how YOU could change so that this bad energy won’t bring YOU down. Maybe not be around it as often. Maybe change your attitude toward it. Work hard to not let it affect you in a negative way.

I know there can be a variety of sources in our lives that might pull us down, and some we possibly can’t get rid of. I go to prayer first, and then reading or listening to encouraging christian authors has helped me through many challenges in the past. It took time for sure, but I needed confirmation that the energy wasn’t good for me and I needed spiritual guidance to strengthen me and see the source in a new way. This could be family, other parents that you have to be around, neighbors, teachers or people at work. Some sources of frustration aren’t going to go away, so we have to create boundaries, and strengthen our heart to handle them differently. We have to change ourselves, and how we let these things affect us, because they are usually not going to change. This is possible…and can actually have a positive impact on YOU in the long run.



I am hoping you scheduled a physical earlier in this accountability program. If you haven’t, do so today. We all need to know our baseline data and if there is something we are lacking. Today, I also want you to be sure you have a multivitamin in your life. We all need a good multivitamin, just because so much of our food is lacking in basic nutrients, even if we are eating healthy. Not all multivitamins are good quality. I can recommend a few that I have tried in the past if you want to reach out to me.

If you are struggling through summer with your workouts, don’t beat yourself up, just get back on the wagon today. Do your best to move 4-5 times a week, even if its just a good 30 minute walk. Keep trying to get back into strength training at least 2 times a week, and cardio or interval training 3-4 times a week. I am not adding any new exercises unless you reach out to me at this point. Most importantly is for everyone to move. We are all at different levels and I don’t want to overwhelm you with new exercises, unless you want them.

With all that we have talked about so far this summer, below are simple reminders of all the important points we have covered up until now. Reach out to me anytime if you have further questions or you want to schedule a complimentary coaching call. I will still be doing complimentary coaching calls for the last 4 weeks of our accountability group, so please take advantage of this if you are interested.



  • Eat every few hours. Do not skip any meals.
  • Drink plenty of water each day.
  • Pay attention to and limit your sugar intake.
  • Eat all natural. Avoid preservatives, fake sugars and artificial ingredients.
  • Eat enough protein
  • Don’t stuff yourself
  • Schedule a physical.
  • Practice your daily routine to start each day so that you are in a good mindset.
  • Practice gratitude daily.
  • ACCEPT that every day you will do daily work to have POSITIVE energy, LOVE yourself and BELIEVE in yourself
  • Take time to quiet the mind
  • Do something creative that your SOUL is craving


Enjoy the week and remember if YOU want change in your life….YOU have to change YOUR life.

Last updated on August 1, 2024 by Kelley Ranaudo
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Kelley Ranaudo

As a mom, I understand the struggles of balancing life. I'm here to help you thrive in health, fitness, and faith. Let’s walk this path together and embrace a life enriched by wellness and inspiration.

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