Today is a New Day

Today is a New Day

Right about now, or maybe already, many of us have already put aside those New Year’s resolutions. We are almost to March and life has taken a hold of us again. Some weeks we are just trying to keep up. When we do get a few minutes, we might think, what happened to my resolutions? I really wanted to pursue that this year.

Listen, first off, resolutions do not need to be made only for the New Year. The New Year is exciting, but let’s start to look at every single day as a new opportunity. It doesn’t have to be a “resolution” but a chance to do something new, different, or make a choice that will change our life. Every Single Day we have this chance. So let’s change our perspective, and think about what we want to work on in our lives every single day. Start the day with a fresh look as to what we want to change, improve or what we can start doing to move toward our goal.

When we start living in the present of every day, and starting fresh every day, we can let go of the disappointment of not keeping up with our New Year’s resolution. It is refreshing to refocus every day, because it is easy for life to get us distracted. When we realize we are slipping from our resolutions, we need to just get back started with a new day and new strength.

With kids, school, sports, extended family time, and more, it is easy to get away from driving toward our goals. We could easily get down and just give up, but we shouldn’t. We should enjoy life, be present in our life, and if life takes us from our goals, get right back on as soon as we can, without beating ourselves up. This can be hard, but it just takes practice, courage, new strength and persistence. Just admitting that its a busy time of life, and sometimes life gets in the way, but we should not let this stop our pursuit. Some days are big gains and some days maybe smaller gains. Just keep on making moves forward toward what we want.

For today, don’t give up on those goals and dreams and “resolutions” from the New Year. Today is a New Day!! Every single day is a fresh start. Live in the present and make a point to do something TODAY to work toward that goal or dream. Do not let it go away.

THIS…is why we don’t achieve our dreams…ONLY because we give up. Do not give up on dreams, a healthy life, feeling better, starting something new, pursuing a challenge, a different life, a career change….whatever it is that is the dream for the New Year, bring that dream to life every single day and start a fresh pursuit moving toward it. Small steps moving forward are just as important as the big steps….just keep going forward. Today, my friend, is a new day, with new strengths and new thoughts and new chances. Do something today that your future self will thank you for…and enjoy the day.

Last updated on August 1, 2024 by Kelley Ranaudo
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Kelley Ranaudo

As a mom, I understand the struggles of balancing life. I'm here to help you thrive in health, fitness, and faith. Let’s walk this path together and embrace a life enriched by wellness and inspiration.

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