Tip #20…Do Not Give Up

For the final health tip, I am going back to my very first post on Mommy Blast. Change the way you think and make better choices in the midst of life. It is possible. Just take one day at a time and Never Give Up.

As a mother of two, and someone who loves to exercise, I have learned that it is almost impossible sometimes to find a time and place to exercise.  As with many things with life and motherhood, you need to accept and find a compromise.  Things will not always be exactly how you would like or expect them to be.  Let’s rephrase that…things will NEVER be exactly how you would like or expect them to be!  Really?  How long did it take for us to finally be okay with this?  Once you find acceptance, your world will be open to many new possibilities. Let’s start with 10 things we need to accept and be ok with.

  1. You do not have to be on a “diet”.  Just make good choices.
  2. Everything in Moderation.
  3. Not everyone has to join a gym to get in shape.
  4. You HAVE to change your mindset to get healthy.
  5. Get off the scale.
  6. First priority should be, “I want to feel better and be healthy”.
  7. Just MOVE in some way every day.  Just start already!
  8. There is NO magic pill and it will NOT happen overnight.
  9. This is a life change and we go one day at a time. Do not give up.
  10. Lower your expectations.  More is not always better.

Slow down and enjoy today. Do not give up. You can do this!


Last updated on August 1, 2024 by Kelley Ranaudo
Kelley Ranaudo

As a mom, I understand the struggles of balancing life. I'm here to help you thrive in health, fitness, and faith. Let’s walk this path together and embrace a life enriched by wellness and inspiration.

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