Tip #16…Did you fall off? Get back on!

Tip #16…Did you fall off? Get back on!

It is easy to get off track. Life is busy, especially at this time of year with all of the end of year celebrations and more. All of a sudden, you feel more stress and fatigue than normal. You realize you have not exercised in two weeks! There has not been much time for you. You have just been trying to fit it all in. You had a few Doritos at this party and a cupcake at that party, and now it has all caught up and you think…if I can just get through these next few weeks, I will get back into my routine. Do not wait until this crazy time is over. There will just be another crazy time next month when you take a summer vacation, and another crazy time when school starts back. Of course, the holidays always gets us off track. Stop the cycle! Yes we all have bumps in our road that make our schedule go haywire, but do not wait. It is easy for one distraction to lead to another and then weeks down the road we are completely out of habit. Get back on track! Adjust your workout to fit what is going on now.

  1. Mentally tell yourself that today you will move. Walk, stretch, play basketball with your kids or do a set of squats. Just move!
  2. Shorten your workout if you need to. If you only have 10 minutes, exercise for 10 minutes. If you only have time for 20 lunges and 15 pushups, DO IT!
  3. Tell yourself you are going to choose healthy foods. Stop reaching for what is easy and PLAN AHEAD for what you will have the next day. If you think about it ahead of time, you will more than likely choose wisely.
  4. Drink lots of water.
  5. Try to get a good nights sleep.
  6. Repeat.

So much of staying healthy is in our mind. Get around healthy people and talk about healthy things. Do not get distracted by the rest. Keep your mind in the right place and do not just accept that life is too busy right now. You can handle the crazy better when you are feeling good. Take charge of your schedule and your health and get off the crazy train! Life is so much better when you take care of yourself and feel good.

Every day IS a chance to get better. Yes it is. Woo hoo! Be better today.

Get moving today!

Last updated on August 1, 2024 by Kelley Ranaudo
Kelley Ranaudo

As a mom, I understand the struggles of balancing life. I'm here to help you thrive in health, fitness, and faith. Let’s walk this path together and embrace a life enriched by wellness and inspiration.

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