The Whole You

The Whole You

As we begin our journey into this New Year filled with hopes, dreams, excitement, plans and those so called “resolutions”, let us look at our whole self. To be our best and feel our best, involves much more than fitness and nutrition. It involves our body, mind and spirit. It involves what we surround ourselves with, our fun, our relationships, creativity, rest and more. I have always thought of health and fitness as including many components to our overall wellness. Just working out more is not what you need. Just restricting your diet more is not what you need. Just sleeping more is not all you need. It is a balance of many things. It is not about achieving a perfect balance of all these things, or even about getting really good at all these things. It is about nurturing all aspects of our wellness in some way. Some days we will be really good at some, and other days we will nurture the others. Most importantly we will be aware of all and work towards feeding each part of our overall wellness. Noticing when one is lacking or not being nurtured, and working to nurture it.

The list below is not all inclusive, and not in order of importance. I am sure we could all add to this and please do if you know something else that adds to your overall well-being. Just be honest with yourself as to what you are struggling with and what you really need to work harder on.

Wellness Components for our best Health 

Physical…In order to nurture our physical health, we need to give our body exercise, movement, stretching, water and just flood our body with the nutrition it needs and wants to feel its best. Good food and vitamins and sometimes extra supplements if we are lacking. Our body also needs good sleep and rest. Be sure to let your body rest.

Mental…Our mind is so very important in helping to feel our best and experience the best health we possibly can. This involves our attitude, what we fill our minds with and the energy we choose to be around. Our mind is a big part of what we let consume us and what we focus on. If we are always comparing and thinking of other people’s lives, we are focusing on the wrong feelings. We need to practice gratitude, loving ourself, positive words and thoughts and wishing for the best in others as well. Practice love.

Spiritual…We all need something that is much bigger than us. Our faith is what keeps us going, what helps us understand struggle and what keeps us focused on something other than ourselves. Everyday prayer and spiritual guidance keeps me hopeful and grounded at the same time.

Social…Our relationships can make or break us at times. They are hard. Expectations and our crazy unhealthy minds can send us into a tailspin. Let go of expectations. Don’t create something in your mind that is not there. Love others and love yourself. Know your boundaries. Be kind. Nurture friendships. Be honest with yourself and have good intentions. Be sure your heart is always in the right place. Judgement, envy, comparison, gossip and dishonesty will destroy relationships and hurt your health in the process. Choose healthy relationships that make you feel good about yourself, but also treat your relationships how you want to be treated.

Emotional…We need feelings. We need to let them out and not hold them in. These feelings are a big part of our mindset and how we are feeling. At the same time, don’t let them get the best of you. We need to feel, but again don’t let your mind create something that is not there. Surround yourself with positive energy and people that fill you up. Reach out and serve others that need help. Giving and serving always strengthens our heart and soul. Stay grounded and be constant in prayer and nurturing a relationship with God. Love with your whole heart. Don’t hold back.

Intellectual…Our minds all need to be stimulated in different ways. Reading, learning, decoding, teaching, training, and studying new topics and trying new things. All good for the mind. Keep it up. Never stop learning and growing.

Creativity, Passion and Fun…As adults, we can be really good at letting go of creativity and fun. What do you love to do just for fun? Do you have a creative outlet? What are you passionate about? We all need this. It should never go away. Nurture your spirit and your soul. Creativity leads to imagination, innovation, and keeps those hopes and dreams and alive.

Love yourself…your whole self. Take care of yourself…your whole self. There is nothing better than knowing that you are taking care of this one mind, body and soul that you were given. You deserve to feel good….really, really good.

Enjoy today,
kelley ranaudo

Last updated on August 1, 2024 by Kelley Ranaudo
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Kelley Ranaudo

As a mom, I understand the struggles of balancing life. I'm here to help you thrive in health, fitness, and faith. Let’s walk this path together and embrace a life enriched by wellness and inspiration.

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