Summertime Fitness

Summertime Fitness

summertime fitnessHow has your fitness changed this summer? It has definitely been tough with the crazy summer schedule. My fitness buddies and I have been staying active any way we can. I have to admit that I love sharing fitness and health with my family. I can tell they have learned that it is important to be active, and it is fun to do it together. Yes, it can be stressful, they are not always chipper, and yes the 5 year old always wants to lead the pack on our bike rides, and will pretty much knock you over if you get in front of her. I am sure you can relate, but I do try my best to make it fun, stay calm and carry on, because this is my most favorite job, and this parenting thing is a journey filled with many highs and lows. Just trying my best to be patient and remember I am teaching them to be good human beings in this world. Patience? Hmmmm…..

It is so hot that we have found we have to get our early. My two buddies went for a bike ride with me earlier this week and as usual, my little girl brought out her fashion. She brings so much fun to all that we do and reminds me to lighten up and be who you are. Life is more fun that way for sure.
Being active has actually been the most fun while we were on vacation. I was definitely spoiled with this view for a few weeks.

We also tried some conditioning back at home in our neighborhood. We head to the tennis courts and our favorite is the shuffle square. We have a box on the tennis court that we shuffle right to the bottom corner, run up to the next corner, shuffle left to the next corner and then run backwards to get back where we started. It is a lot of fun and a good workout. Here is our amateur video to prove it.

summertime fitness with the familyWith all the fun we have as a family exercising, I do need to go by myself as well. This is my recharge time. I feel like a new person when I finish a solo workout. This is my stress relief and it brings me back to feeling my best. Below is my favorite place to walk, run, lunge or squat by myself. 🙂
Find what works for you to stay active and also find what you need. Do it for yourself and for your family. You can not buy good health, so do what you can to take care of yours. There are so many known benefits to being active, but just feeling good and sane are my favorites. If you have been slacking off, do something today. Do not wait. Go for a walk, bike ride or swim. Be active today and make yourself feel good. Go by yourself or take your family. Find what works today and do it. Just move.

Enjoy today and just move,

Last updated on August 1, 2024 by Kelley Ranaudo
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Kelley Ranaudo

As a mom, I understand the struggles of balancing life. I'm here to help you thrive in health, fitness, and faith. Let’s walk this path together and embrace a life enriched by wellness and inspiration.

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