Small Choices go a Long Way

Small Choices go a Long Way

We have become the society of quick fixes and bigger is better. Go big or go home buddy. More is better and instant gratification has become what is expected. I say we go old school, slow down and realize that not everything is a race, especially your health. I have conversations with people all the time and they just seem overwhelmed to start. Their options have come down to surgery or a magic pill. Stop! Our health, and many other things in life, like our finances, relationships and our faith, need small choices that we make every day as a way of life to succeed. It is more of a marathon, than a sprint. So if you are overwhelmed, by an aching back, low energy, depressed, needing to lose weight, feeling weak, or many other feelings of poor health, it is time to start making small changes every day. You do not need to think big. Start small, maintain the pace, and you will finish big. You have to realize that small choices will make a big difference when done consistently. When these small choices are made consistently, new habits are formed.

imagesDo not wait until summer is over. Do not wait until your big trip is over. Do not wait until that project at work has passed. We can all make a small change today. If you know you need to change your health, then for today, change your mindset and think small. Find something you can start doing today. Do not take that second helping. Go for a walk. Drink an extra glass of water. Drink less soda today. Eat a salad. Eat more fruit. Eat smaller meals. Take a bike ride. Stretch. Just move. Get more sleep. Pick one thing and do it today. Continue doing that one thing every day, until you can start another small thing too. Little by little, you will improve your health. You have to stay at it. Keep on. It is worth it. It can not be all or nothing. At least do something. Get on the path to better health. It means so much for you and your family. Get off the crazy, unhealthy train and start feeling better today. One small step at a time.

If you do not know what your first small step is, email me and I will help you. 😉

Believe in yourself and take that first step. You can do it!

Enjoy today,

Last updated on August 1, 2024 by Kelley Ranaudo
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Kelley Ranaudo

As a mom, I understand the struggles of balancing life. I'm here to help you thrive in health, fitness, and faith. Let’s walk this path together and embrace a life enriched by wellness and inspiration.

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