Sensitive and Strong

Sensitive and Strong

I am sensitive, and it took years to be ok with this and embrace it. Things affect me. A lot sometimes. My sensitivity has had me in a choke hold many times, and yet it can be unbelievably soulful sometimes. I’ve been through long periods of struggle but now I mostly embrace it. I do love that my sensitivity gives me more compassion and empathy. I still have moments, days and times it takes ahold of me. But I have to say, even though I’m sensitive…thankfully I am also very strong. I have strong beliefs, strong values, strong opinions, strong  love and I can be extremely stubborn and would do anything for my family. Who has made us believe we can’t be sensitive and strong? Who says that our kids can’t be sensitive and tough? Especially boys. Toughen up those boys is what I hear so often. Fine. I agree we need toughness for this big, big world out there. But, by all means, don’t lose your compassion and don’t stop feeling. It is important to feel all those emotions, deal with those feelings and work through them. It is absolutely possible, and it is actually the best when these two traits are put together.


So stop feeling like something is wrong because you are sensitive. This isn’t weak. This doesn’t make you odd. This is an amazing quality and our world needs more of it. Compassion comes with this. Feeling for others and what they are going through. Sensitive and tough. Compassionate and strong. Empathy and everyday courage. Let’s also stop feeling that just because we are tough means that we can’t be sensitive as well. Taking a strong stance on your values. Standing up for your family and friends. Having a strong faith and intense love for Jesus. Having your own opinion and beliefs and not letting anyone make you feel any less or different, is strength and sensitivity wrapped all in one. Being true to yourself when it is against what everyone else is doing. Having the courage to include the kid everyone else is excluding. Having the courage to tell your friend how you really feel. Having the courage to walk across the street to help someone in need, when everyone else is passing by. The best of both worlds. So don’t lose your sensitivity OR your strength. Don’t let your kids lose either as well. We need both of these for our future generations.


Be true to yourself. Be both sensitive and strong. Enjoy today!


Last updated on August 1, 2024 by Kelley Ranaudo
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Kelley Ranaudo

As a mom, I understand the struggles of balancing life. I'm here to help you thrive in health, fitness, and faith. Let’s walk this path together and embrace a life enriched by wellness and inspiration.

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