No Energy? Get Moving!!

No Energy? Get Moving!!

I am too tired. I hear this all the time. This is one of the biggest reasons people will not start exercising. Understandable. They are exhausted. They do not have any energy left to exercise. I tell them they HAVE to start exercising if they are ever going to have more energy. Yes, they look at me like I am nuts. Are you crazy? I am not going for a walk. I am tired! How am I going to exercise when I can barely keep my eyes open and my feet are tired? Logical, but, what they need the most is to start exercising.
As long as you have had a physical and cleared yourself of any medical condition, you should start exercising. After your first workout, you will have more energy. Keep going…on to your second workout. Make it a habit. You will feel more alive and your body will thank you. I know it is hard. I know you feel like it is almost impossible at the end of the day, and getting up early is even more out of the question, but you have to try! You have to get up and try. I promise you will feel better. Your muscles need to move, your blood needs to circulate and your heart and lungs want to be challenged too. Exercise will decrease your stress, which is a big reason we all feel so tired most of the time. Even taking a walk in the middle of the day will help increase your energy. Take a walk and a break from work, and I promise you will return feeling better than when you left.

no excusesIt is never too late to start and you will only feel better. It is up to YOU. Your choice. Your change. You are the only one that can make YOU feel better. Stop making excuses and get your tired self out the door and move! For goodness sake, you WILL feel better!

Enjoy today,

Last updated on August 1, 2024 by Kelley Ranaudo
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Kelley Ranaudo

As a mom, I understand the struggles of balancing life. I'm here to help you thrive in health, fitness, and faith. Let’s walk this path together and embrace a life enriched by wellness and inspiration.

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