My Super Food

My Super Food

Taking care or our health is a big job. There is an abundance of information and opinions out there. There are so many factors that go into feeling good and healthy. One thing for sure, we need to keep an open mind and continue to learn about what our body needs to fight off disease and feel good. Over the years, I have always tried to do my best to make healthy choices and take care of myself. I definitely live the 80/20 rule, knowing I can enjoy myself and not worry 20% of the time, because 80% of the time I make good choices.

I will say, as I started a family, became a mom, and moved into my 40s, things changed. My perspective changed. I thought more about fighting disease and having a healthy immune system, than I did about ever having a six pack. I definitely felt different. I was tired. I wanted more energy and a calmer mood. I tried different vitamins. I added more vitamins. I filled myself with salads and superfoods. I trolled the aisles at Whole Foods, asking questions and looking for that miracle food. I talked with my other mama friends my age and asked if they had found the answer. My hunt continued. There were things that helped, usually a long list of things.

What I came to realize, was that no matter how healthy I ate, my body was missing nutrients and craving nutrients. It wasn’t that I was eating the wrong foods, it was that it was practically impossible to give myself all that it needed without breaking the bank and spending hours at the store and in the kitchen. As I continued to research for a better protein shake and different vitamins, a good friend introduced me to Isagenix. As most of us usually are, I was skeptic at first. I began reading and researching Isagenix. I asked around and kept reading more, and asking lots of questions for many months. Finally, I had to try.

After the first few weeks, I felt more satisfied for sure. After a month, I just felt better and healthier. After about six weeks, I was stronger, leaner and had more positive energy. My mind felt clearer and my moods were more balanced. Honestly, it was amazing to me. This was exactly what I had been looking for, and I found it in one company, with all natural products, packed with nutrients and conveniently delivered to my door. This was the bomb! I hadn’t even changed my eating habits. I just added another Super Food to my every day lifestyle. Yes, I was still eating real food too. Even better, my husband liked it, and I could tell he was making better choices and handling stress better. My kids liked it, which we all know it is hard to keep our kids healthy. We were all getting more vitamins and minerals and antioxidants and nutrients than we had ever had. It was awesome.

Don’t even get me started on the Adaptogens. Say what? I know…I had no idea what those were before Isagenix either. Some of you may know what adaptogens are. I had a few of my friends that knew about some of them. One of my favorite products with Isagenix is the Ionix Supreme, which is filled with adaptogens and antioxidants. Adaptogens are plant based nutrients, which help to combat stress, give us more energy and improve our mental clarity. I know. We all need every bit of that and it works.

When I started Isagenix, I was not looking to sell the products. I didn’t even tell anyone for the first month because I didn’t want anyone to know I was trying a product from a “network marketing” company. As it turned out, I could not help but share it, as I continued to feel better and better. I also ended up loving the company. I just loved sharing something that had made such a difference in my life. If you have found something that has made a difference for you, that is awesome. What is important is that if you haven’t found it yet, you keep looking. Don’t give up if you are not feeling your best. There are answers out there. I have several friends that have found other products and companies that they love, and I am super happy for them. We all deserve to feel our BEST. We just do. If you are not feeling your BEST, it is time for a change.

Most importantly, as with anything, consistency is important. You can’t do something once or twice a week and see these benefits. You have to commit to enjoying these products daily, or at least 80% of the time. I find that when we buy products, but don’t consistently use them, we don’t feel the benefits. I would only try, if you really want to commit to them and use them.

If you want to learn more about Isagenix products, please reach out to me, I would be happy to answer as many questions as you have and help you understand if any of the products are right for you.

Happy Friday and enjoy today!!

Last updated on August 1, 2024 by Kelley Ranaudo
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Kelley Ranaudo

As a mom, I understand the struggles of balancing life. I'm here to help you thrive in health, fitness, and faith. Let’s walk this path together and embrace a life enriched by wellness and inspiration.

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