Motivation…. Help!

Motivation…. Help!

We are all motivated at some point, then some how, some of us fall off track and lose focus. Then some of us get back on…and fall off again. I am a motivated person, but then I catch a cold, lose a few days and lose my motivation somewhere. Then I get motivated again and my daughter gets sick, so I change my focus, lose sleep, and lose my motivation again. Then my spark comes back and something gets me down, and then I lose focus and I am lost again. This is frustrating to say the least.

I love new beginnings, exciting new challenges, the new year, a new class or any other change in life to get me motivated. My tank just has to be filled every day to keep me going. By filled up I mean good sleep, exercise, healthy nutrition, being surrounded by good positive energy and good vibes. All of these things affect my mood and how I feel, which can really affect my productivity. Yes, at the end of the day, I am responsible for what I accomplish, but I am also responsible for my mojo, the energy I am surrounded by. I get to choose what I am surrounded by and what fills my soul. I am fully responsible for my choices, and these choices can make or break my goals, my dreams, and what I do with these exciting challenges and goals I am facing. You have the same choices.

Start with taking care of yourself first, and then really look at what you are surrounded by. Are you surrounded by others who push you and are excited for your hopes and dreams and goals? Do they believe in you or look at you like you are crazy? Are your kids hanging with people that lift them up? Are your kids lifting others up? Are you lifting others up? Do you encourage others? Do you listen to others talk about their dreams? These are your choices. You get to choose what you do with your time. Do you spend good quality time with your family? Do you have good, healthy conversations about goals and dreams and what ignites our passion? If not, start now.

I can get myself into a funk so easy. When I am not feeling at my best, anything can knock my feet out from under me. Stay strong. Stay positive. Believe in who you are. What you speak is what you become. What you believe is what you will become. Believe. Believe in yourself. Believe in your dreams. Believe that you can accomplish anything. Believe that there is more positive than negative. Surround yourself with people that also believe. People that believe in you and you should believe in them. Help them believe in their own dreams. I love the word….the meaning….just believe.

Find a buddy. Your friend. Your spouse. Someone else that believes, and that can help motivate you when your down. Share your dreams. Dreams are magical. Don’t stop dreaming. Share your goals. This could be a fitness goal, parenting goal, relationship goal, career goal, creative goal or a dream to start your own business. Share your struggles. Share more than the weather. Find someone to open up to and work together with to keep you going. Help someone else keep dreaming and climbing toward their goals. This can bring you closer to your spouse, or deepen a friendship, or start an unexpected new friendship. Words are magical. Use yours to inspire, encourage, and empower and motivate each other. Believe…..for goodness sakes, BELIEVE

Magical Words

Last updated on August 1, 2024 by Kelley Ranaudo
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Kelley Ranaudo

As a mom, I understand the struggles of balancing life. I'm here to help you thrive in health, fitness, and faith. Let’s walk this path together and embrace a life enriched by wellness and inspiration.

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