Getting Going TODAY

Getting Going TODAY

Every where I turn these days, someone is trying to take that first step to get into better shape, take care of their health and feel better. We all want to feel better, but it can be challenging. The information is overwhelming out there. What do I do? Should I sign up for one of the many plans out there? Do I join a gym? Do I cut out my carbs? It becomes so confusing that nothing happens. You decide not to take that first step because you do not know what to do…and the cycle continues. A trainer is expensive. Healthy food and meal plans can be expensive. I am always trying to take better care of my family and I get overwhelmed with what is out there. So LISTEN. You do not have to do something drastic. You do not have to spend loads of money. You just have to take a few steps in the right direction to get started. You can learn other healthy options as you go. I am just going to tell you 4 things I think you should try to do for the next 30 days to start making better choices. Just 4 things. In order to feel better, you have to change things. When it is overwhelming, just take one or two changes at a time. It does not have to be drastic, expensive or involve anything on an infomercial. There is no special pill. There really is not. Just a lot of good choices that you learn one day at a time. In order to make a life change, you need to make small changes that you can stick to….one change at a time.

Do not try to lose a ton of weight or fit into a smaller size within a week. Throw away your scale. Yes, throw it away. The scale can make you crazy. Keep your goals attainable. Focus on just feeling better and the rest will come. Once again…just focus on feeling better and the rest will come. For the next 30 days, I want  you to do 4 simple things:

1. Start moving every day. If you have to skip a day, just get right back to moving the next day. Find what works for you. Walking, swimming, biking, basketball with your kids, a class at the gym, an exercise video, a tennis match with someone, or running the stairs in your house. Be active every day. Make it a habit. Make it fun. Try for 30 minutes every day, but even if you only have 10 minutes, be active for 10 minutes on that day.

2. Drink more water.  Your body needs water to function. Your metabolism needs water to be more efficient. If you feel like you are retaining water, this means your body is craving water and holding on to the little it has. In order to stop retaining water, your body needs more water. Do not deprive your body of water. Your body is craving it. If you do not like water, you have to find a way to drink it…maybe with lemon or coconut water. Start with eight 8oz. glasses every day. During the summer, and if you are working out, you will need more. If you feel thirsty, you are passed the point of being dehydrated. Keep your body hydrated. It is so important. Find a glass you like, just fill it up in the morning and keep it with you all day. Make yourself finish it and refill it every hour. Your body will thank you.

3. Stop stuffing yourself.  If you like to go back for seconds, I want you to tell yourself you are going to stop. Before you even start eating your first plate, tell yourself that you are not going back. It is all in the mind, and sometimes we get seconds without even realizing it. You should be eating 3 healthy meals each day with a healthy snack in between meals, or 5 smaller meals throughout the day. You HAVE to eat. Do NOT skip meals. This will mess up your metabolism. Your metabolism needs to be fueled all day to keep going. You have to try not to stuff yourself at meals. This is usually tough the first few days or so, but once you realize how much better you feel, it will get easier over time.

4. Say NO to sugar. If you really want to feel better, you have to cut out the sugar. Sugar just does not make you feel good. I do believe in moderation, and having treats every now and then, but in the beginning, you have to get off of it. There are better options if you want it for coffee. If you need it for your coffee, do not use the fake stuff. Try raw sugar, honey or agave syrup, and maybe just try to use a little less if possible. Nothing crazy…just a little less. No need to be miserable, so use it in your coffee, but lay off the donuts, ice cream and cookies. 🙂

That is it for now. Nothing to buy…just a few changes to make you feel better. If you are in that place of wanting to feel better, and you do not know what to do, PLEASE try this and let me know how it goes. Find a buddy and hold each other accountable. Support each other and encourage each other. If you have questions, message me and I will respond. I love to help people get started.

Enjoy today!


Last updated on August 1, 2024 by Kelley Ranaudo
Kelley Ranaudo

As a mom, I understand the struggles of balancing life. I'm here to help you thrive in health, fitness, and faith. Let’s walk this path together and embrace a life enriched by wellness and inspiration.

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