Consistency and Action

Consistency and Action

This…is what I struggle with. Consistently taking action. I know it and I am working hard to be more consistent in important areas in my life. Some things in my life I am better at, like taking care of my health. I know now, it takes time. I have been working on that habit for awhile, but it is worth it. I believe in the 80/20 rule. 80% of the time I consistently make healthy choices, and I don’t let the other 20% of the time get in the way of still moving forward. When I fall off the wagon and have a bad day, I don’t quit, I get right back on. I know that I need to consistently make healthy choices to feel good. When I go on vacation, I enjoy myself, but I still bring my shakes, vitamins and Ionix with me. I need to take action and put something good in me every day.

Of course, if we don’t take action in the first place, we can’t become consistent. I can be really good at putting something off, because a zillion other things are going on, and many times I forget or just don’t get started. This weighs on me, bothers me and absolutely holds me back, until I just take action. It seems amazing, but ONE small step toward what I want makes all the difference in the world. Once I start taking action, it is like the gray cloud just begins to clear and I believe in myself again.

When we put things off that we know we want, for some reason this gray cloud develops around us. I feel that the longer I put something off, my confidence drops and I start believing that I can never accomplish what I want anyway. I start convincing myself that I can’t do it, or that it isn’t worth the work. I have done this with so many things in my life, and I know that this is something that might never completely go away. I will have to keep facing this as I go along. Thank goodness, deep down, I truly want it, because then, and only then, do I truly make myself take action and do something that will move me forward, even if it is only a little bit. Any forward action is progress. Never tell yourself it isn’t.

Just keep taking action and moving forward. I am here to tell you that you can do it. Whatever you are struggling with, face it head on. Small choices, small action done consistently will lead to change. So for today….

Change your mindset and fill your head with good, positive thoughts. Start believing in yourself. I promise you….you can do it…whatever it is…YOU CAN do it.

Take action today. No matter how big, or how small, make a choice to TAKE ACTION TODAY.

Eliminate distractions, one at a time. Don’t let something else get in the way. Learn how to say NO when needed. Learn how to say YES when needed.

Find the time. Get up a little earlier if needed. Carve 20 minutes here and there. Sometimes action looks like the picture above. My girl and I were watching a motivational video together. She loved it.

Step out of your comfort zone. You have to do this. Can I tell you…it WILL BE AMAZING. This takes courage. Being brave and having everyday courage does something unbelievable to us. It is life changing.

Find support. Find someone you trust, that is supportive and tell them what you are working toward. Make it real. You don’t have to tell everyone, only someone you know will support, encourage, and believe in you. This can be hard, I know. If you truly don’t feel that you have someone right now, please reach out to me. I would be happy to be your accountability partner. We all need someone to check into.

Ignore negativity. This takes work, but is so worth the work. Only listen to encouragement and true helpful feedback. It is good for people to question what you are doing, because they truly want to understand or help you. Just don’t let pure negativity affect you, because there always is some. Surround yourself with others that lift you up and encourage you, even if they don’t understand. I truly love and feel inspired by open-minded, curious people that really want to make good, positive change and are open to what others are striving for, even if it is different from what they are striving for. Again, there is plenty of good to go around for all of us, so continue to encourage, inspire and empower each other.

Just don’t quit…ever.

Like most of what I write, this is a reminder to me as well as you. I just hope it gives you a bit of encouragement, and I pray it empowers you to make the change, and go after whatever it is you want in this amazing life we are given. Deep down, we are all wanting something, that for some reason we are hesitant to completely go after. Decide today that this change is for you. Take a step forward and take action. Then, consistently keep taking action.

You CAN do it. You HAVE to BELIEVE. Truly believing is the only way.

Enjoy today.

Last updated on August 1, 2024 by Kelley Ranaudo
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Kelley Ranaudo

As a mom, I understand the struggles of balancing life. I'm here to help you thrive in health, fitness, and faith. Let’s walk this path together and embrace a life enriched by wellness and inspiration.

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