Breaking the Plateau

Breaking the Plateau

Have you reached a plateau in your health journey? Were you cruising toward your goal and suddenly you feel like your progress has flattened?

First off, if something isn’t working, it is time to make a change. Stop turning the wheels over and over again, if you aren’t getting results. Many times we think we are working out so hard, trying to get good nutrition and what we are doing just isn’t working. Usually, your body is needing something different, but you don’t realize it. As with everything else in life, if you want something different…you have to DO something different.

Some common changes that could help you bust through your plateau…

Change your workout. Yes. Change it. Usually, if we have been doing the same routine for awhile, our body has become really efficient at it. It doesn’t matter how hard you are working out….you will just stay where you are. If you are walking or jogging all the time, add intervals. You can walk for 4 minutes and jog for 1 minute, or you can jog for 3 minutes and walk for 1 minute. Intervals are great for busting through a plateau. Changing the intensity throughout your workout burns more calories and challenges your body.

Another option is to change the mode of exercise. Also, if you are always jogging, try swimming or cycling once or twice a week. If you are always on the elliptical, try walking on an incline on a treadmill or try a group circuit class.

Change your intensity. Try 20 minutes of high intensity training, instead of 50 minutes of a lower intensity cardio.

If you are not doing strength training, you should be. We all need it, especially if you have hit a plateau. Increasing muscle mass speeds up your metabolism, burns more calories, boosts your confidence and you feel stronger.

Change your eating habits. Our nutrition is more important than our exercise habits most of the time in order to make big changes. Ask yourself these questions?

Are you eating 3-5 smaller meals a day?

Are you stuffing yourself at certain meals?

Are you drinking at least 8 glasses of water each day?

Are you eating too much sugar?

Are you fueling your body with the nutrition it needs, not just what you want?

Are you eating enough?

Are you getting enough protein?

If you aren’t sure about this, keep a log of everything you eat. Reach out to someone that can help, including me.

Do you have good sleeping habits? Our sleep affects our metabolism. If you are not sleeping well, or not getting enough sleep, you should work on this. Some good habits are not using electronics or phones an hour before bed. Have an evening routine to wind down, with music, hot tea or reading. Also, look at your room. Make sure it is dark, comfortable, neat and free of work stuff and computers that might add tension to your evening.

Remember, more is not always better. Change is what will get you through a plateau, so change it up.


Last updated on August 1, 2024 by Kelley Ranaudo
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Kelley Ranaudo

As a mom, I understand the struggles of balancing life. I'm here to help you thrive in health, fitness, and faith. Let’s walk this path together and embrace a life enriched by wellness and inspiration.

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