Back on the Wagon

Back on the Wagon

We all need a quick swift kick sometimes to get back on whatever wagon we have fallen off of. I am really missing my writing wagon, but am going to try my best to get back on. Life has been busy and I am struggling to find my time to write. I am sure many of us can also relate to the workout wagon. I love fitness. It has been my career for many years and I have fallen off the fitness wagon many times. I am actually hanging on to the side right now, dragging on the dirt road, trying to get back on.

I get it. Life is busy. Priorities happen. Kids, oh those kids need us, and yes, we need them too. But, I do know when I am regularly working out, I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER. Now, let me define regularly working out. I do not exercise every single day for over an hour. Ain`t nobody got time for that. I workout 3-4 times a week and I try my best to have an ACTIVE lifestyle. By this I mean, I do not sit on the couch too too much. Yes, I do occasionally in the evening, or when I am reading with my kids. I walk or ride my bike anywhere I can. If I am at the park with kids, I try to run or shoot hoops with them. So, YES, research shows that just having a more active life improves your health.

Soooooo, as I have written in the past, get up and move. Go for a walk. Put the timer on and do some squats, lunges and push-ups for 20 minutes. Yes, I said push-ups. Start planking again! I know the 100 days was overwhelming for some of you, but the point was just to plank more. So plank today if you have missed for awhile. It will feel good. I promise it will feel good. If you need help getting started, email me. The hardest part is starting. It is easier to put this off when you do not have a routine yet.

That is it for the day. Back on the workout wagon. Back on the writing wagon. Encourage a buddy to get back on.

I pray you all are well. Get moving! You can do it. Yes, ONLY YOU can do it!

Enjoy today!

Kelley Ranaudo

Last updated on August 1, 2024 by Kelley Ranaudo
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Kelley Ranaudo

As a mom, I understand the struggles of balancing life. I'm here to help you thrive in health, fitness, and faith. Let’s walk this path together and embrace a life enriched by wellness and inspiration.

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