Author: Kelley Ranaudo

  • side plank exercise

    Healthy Tips for the Holidays

    November 16, 2018
    This time of year can be beautiful, joyful, and wondrous, but can also be stressful, exhausting, and frustrating for many.…
  • Planking

    Transform Your Core with Simple Planking Exercises for Beginners

    November 12, 2018
    Hey there my friends! We have planking vibes this week as we move toward the holidays! Our goal this year…
  • 4 Ideas to Get Moving and Reduce Stress with Your Family

    4 Ideas to Get Moving and Reduce Stress with Your Family

    November 8, 2018
    My kids have been doing some type of conditioning with me for years, and it is a good idea to…
  • Do what you love

    Do What You Love

    November 2, 2018
    Are you doing what you love? Are you following your heart? These are things I believe we should all be…
  • weekly vibes with kelley ranaudo

    Weekly Vibes for the Week of October 29th

    October 29, 2018
    New this Week Exciting news! Are you wanting to feel better, but still struggling to get started? Maybe you don't…
  • One thing today

    One Thing Today

    October 26, 2018
    When it comes to our health, many of us struggle to get going. I hear the same stories from many…
  • weekly vibes with kelley ranaudo

    Weekly Vibes for October 22

    October 22, 2018
    New this Week Rest. This is new for many of you. If you are feeling overwhelmed, tired and wanting to…
  • YOU get to choose

    YOU get to Choose

    October 18, 2018
    Listen, I am truly not an "expert" on anything, but I do wake up each day and try to be…
  • weekly vibes with kelley ranaudo

    Weekly Vibes for October 15

    October 15, 2018
    New this Week Welcome to a new week that YOU get a chance to make some good choices for your…
  • poster exercises and tips

    How Your Posture is Hurting You and Simple Ways You Can Improve it Today

    October 11, 2018
    I grew up in dance class on most days, with a strong foundation in ballet. It was my element, and…
  • weekly vibes with kelley ranaudo

    Weekly Vibes for the Week of October 8th

    October 8, 2018
    New this Week Hello and Happy Monday to each of you! ❤️ Just in case you haven't explored my new website,…
  • weekly vibes with kelley ranaudo

    Weekly Vibes ~ It is October!

    October 1, 2018
    New Month Welcome to October!! I love a new month! New challenge, new intentions and a chance to sit down…
  • What Habit is Holding You Back?

    September 27, 2018
    As we work toward feeling our best, living our best life and chasing our dreams, a lot of change is…
  • weekly vibes with kelley ranaudo

    Weekly Vibes

    September 24, 2018
    It is a new week. What is it that YOU are wanting and how do YOU plan to get it?…
  • weekly vibes with kelley ranaudo

    Weekly Vibes

    September 17, 2018
    Happy Monday! I love a new week. A chance to start fresh, challenge yourself in new ways,  make different choices,…
  • Have you Reached a Plateau

    Have you Reached a Plateau?

    September 13, 2018
    Do you feel like you've reached a plateau in your workout, health or maybe even your life? This happens to…
  • weekly vibes with kelley ranaudo

    Weekly Vibes

    September 10, 2018
    Happy Monday! It is a new week and there is so much going on. We have been busy. It is…
  • Self “care” is not Self “ish”

    September 7, 2018
    I want you to take some time today to truly evaluate how much time you give yourself for YOU, and…
  • Get Uncomfortable and Grow

    Get Uncomfortable and Grow

    August 3, 2018
    I talk a lot about nurturing yourself, and taking care of your "whole" self. Part of your whole self, is…
  • Nurture Your Whole Self

    Nurture Your “Whole” Self

    July 18, 2018
    What are you missing? Do you feel like maybe there could be more? Possibly, you could feel a bit better?…
  • When Feeling Less Than

    June 30, 2018
    We all have days of feeling less than, not enough, or insecure. Even those of us that are extremely grateful,…
  • What have you lost?

    What have you lost?

    June 14, 2018
    I was a dancer growing up, and I loved it. By the time I was in high school, I spent…
  • 5 Myths You Need to Know Now

    May 21, 2018
    Knowing what is best for our health can be overwhelming. We are in the age of too much information. Every…
  • You are Enough

    May 5, 2018
    A friend of mine called me recently, and asked what I was doing. I began to explain, laughing, that I…
  • The Jig is Up

    The Jig is Up

    April 23, 2018
    The older I get, and by no means am I old, but I do believe I have become seriously enlightened…