Simple Steps to Revive Your Resolutions

Simple Steps to Revive Your Resolutions

We are into the second half of 2019, and first off I can’t believe my kid is taller than me and second and most importantly…I want you to get honest with yourself.

What did you want to accomplish this year? Are you moving toward it? Have you made any progress?

Listen…if you haven’t…get over it and let’s get to it. 

Hey! If you are making progress…celebrate!! Any progress is good progress!

Needless to say, too many times, we don’t make something happen, and then we just throw in the towel. But NOT THIS TIME.

For real…I am here for you. I have been the girl to throw in the towel…but not anymore. 

Seriously, I made a commitment to myself after I read Chapter 2 of “Girl, wash your face”, by Rachel Hollis. If you haven’t read that book, GET IT NOW, or at least listen to Chapter 2. It is titled… “The Lie: I’ll start tomorrow.”

Stop Cancelling on Yourself

You might relate…because so many of us do it. We are there for everyone else. We arrive early. Always saying YES. Feeling guilty about saying NO. But when it comes to ourselves…we so easily cancel. When I read that chapter, the fire inside of me lit up. It was totally me. I was cancelling on myself all the time.

Ugh!! No more I thought.

As a result…I have been chasing my dream ever since. One step at a time every day.

Now it is Your Turn

Today…I am challenging you to do the same. 

Let’s get to the point. What did you want at the start of 2019? Goals? Resolutions? Change? Whatever you thought about, wrote down, or planned for the year…we are reviving it NOW.

Again…if you are already making progress, and achieving results…keep at it. Do what is working for you.

Listen…if it seems overwhelming, maybe even impossible or out of reach…that is ok, and so normal. Don’t know where to start. THIS is for you. 

Set Your Intentions

The bottom line is that we are going to approach your goals in a new way to get you going. Remember…just make progress one day at a time to move forward. We are going to get you going by creating a theme, or intention, that you work on every day. 

What Do You Want?

For example, instead of…I want to lose 20 lbs. Our theme, or intention, is that to make better choices everyday to improve our health. Or…to move in some way every day. Or…to eat less sugar each day. 

Or maybe, you have a side hustle you want to go after. Your intention will be to do at least one thing every day toward your side hustle. You will take one action that moves you toward your goal. 

Or just maybe…your resolution was to improve your relationship with your husband or kids? Set your intention to do something every day that will help the relationship. Maybe you give extra hugs, or compliment your husband. Take time to listen more, or just do an act of service when they are least expecting it. Maybe you should work on pausing, and not always giving your opinion, or telling them what they need to improve. (this is what I am working on) 🙂 

Lastly, which is one of my big themes this year… is to become a better version of yourself. Set the intention to make choices every day to improve yourself. Be productive. Take action. Do something for your health. Anything positive for you. At least one action….

For me, it has been to work toward my dreams each day. Challenge myself more when I workout. Get closer to God and the Bible. Be more present each day with my family. Be open to change to help improve the relationship with my kids as they get older. (see above ?) Take the high road. Have the hard conversations when needed. Know when not to have the conversation. I could go on, and I am happy to, if this resonates with you. Message me directly and I will tell you more.

Start Today

Starting today…no more struggling toward your goal. Revive your resolution. Get back at your goal. Plan for progress and set your intentions. 

Use the Daily Motivation Plan to help. It was designed for this…to keep us focused, intentional, and moving every day toward our dreams. There is a place for your daily “focus”. Also, a “reminder” specifically for your health choices. Also, a place to state your “dreams” every single day to keep them alive. I have been writing my same 3 dreams for months, and I am the closest I have ever been to 2 of them. ?

I want this for YOU too.

Please comment below and tell me what you are doing. Message me if you need help. I will get you started. 

Set your intentions and take action today. 

I believe in you and I am cheering you on. ❤️

Kelley 🙂

Kelley Ranaudo

Hi, I'm Kelley. I once thought I had it all figured out, but I learned that feeling our best means nurturing our WHOLE SELF. It's not just about fitness or good nutrition, but much more. Subscribe to the newsletter, and let's embrace a joyful journey to wellness together.