#100 Days of Planking

#100 Days of Planking

Yes, that is right. You read it correctly. I am talking 100 days of planking. I even added a hashtag. 100 days. I need you to help me get back into our routine, or just start a routine, of doing a plank every day. You, me, your kids, spouse, dog if needed, friends, neighbors and anyone else you know that needs to start planking. I need it, and I bet you could use it too. Yes, 100 days. I have been thinking a lot lately about how I need to get into a better routine. This last year has been a whole lot of not normal, and somehow I seem to forget that I am not doing some of the little things that matter. I can preach about them to others, and also forget to do them myself. Drinking enough water, doing planks, smiling, resting, being patient, tweeting….and you get the idea. #100daysofplanking

Planking has been on my mind lately. I am missing it. I like feeling strong. My back needs my core to be strong. I want my family to feel strong too. You know when something is on your mind, but you just let it hang out there for awhile, knowing you need to do something about it. Amazingly, all I need is a few minutes each day to start planking again and I just was not doing it. Then, within 12 hours of each other, two friends that do not know each other, each send me a message telling me they think of me every time they plank! Boo-ya! It is time to start planking! Thank you ladies for the motivation and the umph! I needed it.

So, yes, we are starting a movement. It might be small, with my 162 followers, but a movement it will be. If I get myself, my family and even just one other person planking, it is a success. Little movements make all the difference. So come with me and PLEASE tell me that you are planking. Post, tweet, text, call, email, or just tell me that you are planking, because it will make my day. It will also help keep me accountable for my planks. Thank you. Stronger cores for everyone. #100daysofplanking

Let us not forget the obvious. I promise you will notice a difference. Stronger upper body and stronger core. A stronger core should help your back feel better. If you need some guidance, read my post on planking here.

I am just learning how to hashtag, so this is going to be my hashtag 101 course. #100daysofplanking. I have some friends that are serious hashtagers. So we are going to join them and I am going to learn. Use it every time you post about planking. I love it. Hoping it is not already a trend. I did not check. Whew. Friday is just as good as any day to start. I attached a basic sheet we are using in my house to keep us accountable for our planks. It will hang in our kitchen. Put your family names on the top rows and record how long you planked.  100 Days of Planking


My little man working on his plank.

Get ready daddy! Planking starts today! Tell your friends to use #100daysofplanking on social media.

Happy Friday! Enjoy your weekend!

Last updated on August 1, 2024 by Kelley Ranaudo
Kelley Ranaudo

As a mom, I understand the struggles of balancing life. I'm here to help you thrive in health, fitness, and faith. Let’s walk this path together and embrace a life enriched by wellness and inspiration.

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