Tip # 3…Get a Physical

Tip #3…Get a Physical!

You might be surprised at what might be holding you back.  First, if you haven’t exercised in awhile, a doctor’s checkup to give you the “go ahead” to begin a workout program is essential.

After having babies, you could be deficient in many nutrients that could help you lose weight, give you energy to exercise and bring you out of that funk!  If you only have an ob/gyn, start asking other mothers or women for recommendations of a good doctor in your area.

I felt horrible for almost 2 years after my second child.  Finally, at my physical (one year and seven months after she was born) the doctor still said all was well with me.  “You are in great health!”, he said. Enough! I told him that I still felt awful and that I was tired of feeling bad. He decided to take a few more tests and found that I was very low in Vitamin D.  It took 6 months to get my levels up and it was amazing how much everything changed.  I felt so much better!  After several appointments, we ended up adding B-12, C and fish oil to my every day supplements and my entire world has changed.

Set up an appointment and ask all the questions.  Tell the doctor all the symptoms you feel.  Don’t accept feeling anything less than good. Ask ahead of time if the blood test is checking for Vitamin D and B-12. Be sure to test those levels too. Not all physicals include those tests. It is a good place to start as you begin on your path to better health and feeling great!

Make the appointment today.

Enjoy today,


Kelley Ranaudo

Kelley Ranaudo

Kelley shares all things simple and good to help you truly live well. Get my Sunday emails to receive encouragement every Sunday. Let's embark on this journey together!