This Too Shall Pass
When it is all over…what will you take back?
Have you thought about it? What will you take back and what will you say no to?
Of all the days, this time, you get a chance to be picky, in a whole new light. You have been given the chance to truly see what you miss, and what you genuinely don’t. You are able to see what mattered, and what didn’t. Hopefully, you see what is essential for YOU, and what isn’t.
My Hope
My hope is that you are honestly able to see what helped you get through this, and what didn’t. Who helped you stay calm, and resilient through this? Who needed your encouragement and compassion? Where did you receive encouragement, faith, and hope? What filled your tank, and what depleted it? What did you need to keep your energy positive, and what brought you hope and joy?
To be real, my mission for myself over the last few years has been exactly this. I have been simplifying my life one choice after another. But this situation…has taught me even more. Because the whole world slowed down. All the extras stopped.
Do This Right Now…
- Decide to grow from this, and be better when this is over. How can we do this? Be intentional about surviving one day at a time now. Exercise more. Pray more. Communicate more with your family. Then your “better” can be stronger, healthier, deeper in your faith, or more connected to your family. Any one of those “betters” would be a silver lining in this for many, and for our “new” normal when this passes, because it will pass. Find the silver lining for you.
- Pay attention to what gives you peace and joy right now. What is filling your tank? What is helping you survive each day? When you feel stressed…what can you go to that helps? Prayer, exercise, a friend or family member? Meditation, sitting outside, or maybe music? Start being aware of what can help you feel calmer, in a healthy way. The simple things that you can do every day. These things that help right now…will still be there when this is over.
- Pay attention to what the best use of your time is. We can all agree that we have good days and bad days. I promise…it isn’t just you. Think about what makes the good days better, and what can make a day turn. Usually, it can be some simple choices. Better rest, more connection, being intentional, pausing, grace, a gentler tone, exercise, fresh air. Again…Simple Choices that will be there when this is over. Seriously…think simple. We are being given the time and opportunity to figure it out what can improve our days. Let the small things go. Everyone under your roof is slightly tense, be forgiving. Even though I am a homebody, I love family time, and slow is my speed,…THIS situation is not normal. Because, I also love getting out, seeing friends, meeting new people, and being busy.
- Celebrate small success. Start finding the little bit of joy in the midst of this time. What makes you smile?Celebrate a kind word. Say thank you for those trying. Hug tighter and longer. Go for your own walk. Take 10 minutes to just sit outside by yourself. Do something as a family. Be proud of yourself for not reacting, being patient, and giving grace. Celebrate every little self-care choice you make. These are successes.
Let Us Get Clear
Start thinking about what is good for you and your family, and what isn’t. Saying “no” seems to be really hard for many of us. It takes practice, excuses, courage, and more. But when you are stronger, it is easier. When you are clear on what matters, it is easier. You might be missing something now, that you didn’t appreciate before, and didn’t even realize you would miss. You might realize you now have something, that you didn’t get before, and didn’t even know you needed it.
For this…let us all pay attention.
Listen… let us take THIS time to get “clear” on these things that matter, become stronger through self-care, be intentional, and embrace the slow.
Then, when the time comes, and this passes, YOU will be able to create your “new” normal, without letting the pressure from somebody, or something else, influence your choices.

As a mom, I understand the struggles of balancing life. I'm here to help you thrive in health, fitness, and faith. Let’s walk this path together and embrace a life enriched by wellness and inspiration.
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