Videos About Fitness, Family and Faith
Don’t Give Up
Before you give up on anything, rest, get a new perspective, and start again. Usually when we want to give up, we are tired, overwhelmed, beat up, and we need ...5 Tips for the Holiday Season
This time of year can be beautiful, joyful, and wondrous, but can also be stressful, exhausting, and frustrating for many. The balance of the emotions, the craziness as we try ...Move the Needle
This week just move the needle in the right direction. A little bit more of good, healthy, productive choices. Small shifts in the right direction over and over again will ...5 Simple Ways to Reduce Stress
Stress is not going away. You can make choices to help reduce your stress, not react to it, and not let it just sit in your life. These simple choices ...Awareness Can Change Your Life
Many of us just go through each day and let the day control us. Start paying attention, be more intentional and become aware of how YOU can change your day ...Exercises In My 40’s, 50’s and Beyond
Exercise is important at all ages, but in my 50’s there are a few things I am sure to include in my workouts. Most importantly, move every day in some ...