#61: Stop taking it personal

First, be sure you are taking care of yourself so that you are rested, strong, and equipped to handle these situations. When your kids act out, stop taking it so personal. They are kids, and they have a lot of stress on them. Stay calm, honest, and gently work to connect with them, instead of battle with them. It isn’t easy, but we can choose different approaches to encourage, guide, and connect with them.

Live Love Now, by Rachel Macy Stafford
Daily Intentions Journal, Kelley Ranaudo

Kelley Ranaudo

Hi, I'm Kelley. I once thought I had it all figured out, but I learned that feeling our best means nurturing our WHOLE SELF. It's not just about fitness or good nutrition, but much more. Subscribe to the newsletter, and let's embrace a joyful journey to wellness together.