Sharing a  Journey of Intentional Living and Hope

    Kelley would love to come speak to your group, big or small. Over the years, she has learned through experience, mistakes, challenges, while finding simple shifts and choices that have changed her health, relationships, and approach to life. She enjoys sharing relatable stories, much needed humor, and a whole bunch of hope and faith. She wants to help you slow down, chase what matters most, and not be pressured by this world. 

    For these audiences:

  • Moms
  • Family
  • Businesses
  • Churches
  • Homeschool


    Kelley's Favorite Speaking Topics

  • The Value of the Vessel

    The power of slowing down and living with intention and purpose. Learning to take care of ourselves and our family in this fast paced world, by making simple choices that help conserve our time and energy. We can then make room for what matters most, stay close to our values, and boldly live with conviction.
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  • Creating a Calmer and Healthier Home

    Simple shifts we can all make to create room for connection and calm in our homes. Choices that make each of our homes healthier, more comfortable, while creating a space to breathe, unwind, and unplug to let our family recharge and reconnect. We all need a safe and relaxing place to come home to. Let us teach ourselves and our kids how possible it is.
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  • How to Help Make Habits Stick

    Changing your perspective to help make habits stick around longer than a month or so. Most of the time we are just approaching our new habits in the wrong way, or we have created a plan that is unsustainable. Let us begin simple changes one at a time for a healthier, purpose filled, and more joyful life.
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  • Living with Intention

    Changing our day with simple choices to live with more intention and purpose. Let us get off the crazy train, say no without feeling guilty, and begin to make good choices with confidence and clarity. Let us truly live well and make the absolute most of this one life we have. 
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