Hey there Mama…I just want you to know that I see you. I am rooting for you. I believe in you.
As if our job, life, marriage, relationships, parenting, and self-care wasn’t hard enough already.
I just want you to realize that I see you. I feel you. I am you. I have been you. I know you. I strive to be you. I support you. I encourage you. I am always cheering for you. I miss you.
We are all doing our best in this season, on this day, at this moment. Some days are harder than others, but together, let us just get up, start fresh every day, and keep trying again.
Just remember that always…
You are enough.
You are worthy. You are beautiful. You are loved. You are seen. You are ok. Right where you are.
You are not alone.
So, please listen up…
💛 To the mom that feels unsettled with many decisions right now…I see you, I know you, and I am you.
💛 To the mom that is alone, lonely, and missing people…I see you, I feel you, and I know you.
💛 To the mom that just wants to feel better…I see you, I know you, and I have been you.
💛 To the mom that is taking care of aging parents, and growing kids, simultaneously…I see you, I feel you, and I am you.
To the mom that feels like she doesn’t belong anywhere, I see you, and I have been you.
💛 To the mom that is juggling work, kids, family, extended family, and more…I see you, I know you, and I am you.
💛 To the mom that feels that she is fighting the losing battle of screens, apps, and social media…I see you, I know you, and I am you.
💛 To the mom that craves more God, family time, and values present in her life, and her family’s life…I see you, I know you, and I am you.
💛 To the mom that is quarantined in an assisted living, missing hugs, loved ones, kids, grandkids, and life…I see you, I know you, I miss you.
💛 To the mom that is missing her parents that are quarantined somewhere…I see you, I feel you, and I am you.
💛 To the mom that is struggling in your marriage right now…I see you, I know you, and I have been you.
💛 To the mom that is grieving, hurt, or devastated…I see you, I know you, and I have been you.
💛 To the mom that is quick to judge, and give your opinion…I see you, I still love you, and I have been you.
💛 To the mom that is kind, working on giving grace, accepting, understanding and including…I see you, I know you, and I am striving to be you.
This thing called “life” is beautiful and hard at the same time.
We travel this road of adventure and joy, right alongside sadness, and disappointment. It all comes together. With the good, can come the bad. With the joy, comes the sorrow.
So hey there mama…I see you, I am you, and I tell you to keep enjoying every small bit of sparkle you can find. Even on the darkest days, find some sunshine. Get outside. Turn on music. Make some coffee. Enjoy the good moments. Find the adventure. Laugh whenever you can. Give each other grace. Lighten up. Let loose. Smile. Cry. Hug. Open your heart and let love seep in.
Because the beauty is always there, right alongside the darkness.
We have to open the curtain on the darkest days, and let light shine in.
We have to change the station, when the sad music begins to play.
We have to find the rainbow on the rainy day.
We have to change the tone, when we feel the frustration.
We have to speak the kind word, when there isn’t one being said.
We have to find the joy, and begin to feel the joy, even when it might not seem possible.
We have to bow our head to the Lord, when it all seems too much, because He is always waiting to help lift us up.
You are not alone. He is always there.
So, mama…today is a new day. A new chance to start fresh. New opportunity. New choices. New perspective. New joy to find.
There is joy for each of us. Choose to find yours too. Right alongside the challenges and disappointments.
Start looking. In the shadows, beyond the darkness, with a kind word, more grace, and forgiveness, and with God helping you along the way.
We see you mama, we are you mama, and we are rooting for you mama, every step of the way.
Photo credit: Flora Westbrook

As a mom, I understand the struggles of balancing life. I'm here to help you thrive in health, fitness, and faith. Let’s walk this path together and embrace a life enriched by wellness and inspiration.
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