Full Time Faith

Full Time Faith

Are you having faith full time or do you let fear get in the way some of the time? Do you realize when you get anxious, worried, or begin to question yourself, that your faith is being tested? This is a simple, yet powerful message that challenges all of us.

I was listening to a podcast by Lori Harder today and as usual, she filled me with so much positive energy. She said something that stuck with me…you HAVE to become Bigger than your problems, because these struggles and challenges are NOT going to go away.

I am talking to you, and me here. Be sure your faith is FULL time and that you don’t let fear get in the way. When these challenges continue to come your way, become BIGGER than these problems. I am completely guilty of letting these challenges knock me down. Eventually I get up, but I am tired of letting this fear take over my faith for a bit and knock me over. I know I am not alone in this. From now on, keep your faith strong in every challenge that comes your way.

Keep going and NEVER give up on something you want.

Stay strong and KEEP fighting when something or someone tries to knock you down.

KEEP believing and don’t let someone else’s bad energy take away your faith.

Keep blazing your trail and STOP comparing your path to someone else’s.

Surround yourself with good energy and PAY attention to your tribe.

FIND the silver in the lining, it is there.

It is not supposed to be easy. If it is hard, you are on the right path. KEEP going.

FIND and follow positive people that are making it happen. LET them inspire you.


Be grateful. SPEAK your gratitude every day.

Keep and practice your FAITH every single day. Talk to God about your struggles and ways to keep you strong and faithful.

When you are tired…REST, but DO NOT quit. You can do it.

When you feel like you can’t go on, get a good night’s sleep and get up and face the music and work harder than you ever could. ACTION is what knocks fear in the face.

Get back up and enjoy today.





Kelley Ranaudo

Kelley Ranaudo

Kelley shares all things simple and good to help you truly live well. Get my Sunday emails to receive encouragement every Sunday. Let's embark on this journey together!