Choose to Own It and Keep Your Eyes Up

Choose to Own It and Keep Your Eyes Up

Different. The word that has passed through my mind many times. 

The world has just felt different this past year. 

There was a shift under my feet, in my heart, and deep in my soul. I have sat with it. I have pondered and thought about what to do with it. 

Which led to more thoughts and intentions as to what I believe, my life, and how I am living. Remembering what truly matters, and keeping hope, faith, and joy in every bit of it. 

So for all of that, I don’t think necessarily about what I want for this year, or what resolutions I am making, or what word I will think about it…

For me, it is about the journey. Resolutions seem to fade. Words get lost and lose their punch. 

My journey is about taking ownership of how I am living, and choosing to live well. Owning my thoughts, my truth, my choices, my beliefs, my health, my relationships, and my impact on this world. I could go on. 

So, Now is Now, as one of my favorite moms says…and I am choosing to own “My Now”, and own how I live my life…

I am choosing to live in the Present more. Not what happened yesterday, or what might happen tomorrow.

I am choosing to Believe. Believe in good, magic, and the beauty of life.

I am choosing to be Brave, to Be myself, and Believe in who God made me to be.

I will always find the light, even when it seems like there is only darkness.

I am choosing to trust God in everything, and let go more, over and over.

I am choosing things that I feel deep in my soul, because I now know what it feels like, and that it is possible.

I am choosing to live with all of my heart, and let it feel so full it could burst.

I will live more with my Eyes Up, because I know life is better that way, and I don’t want to miss the miracles.

I will choose to be different, because life is way too short to follow the crowd.

I will shed tears. I will laugh uncontrollably. And I plan to have one hell of a good time.

Some days might include too much coffee, way too much wine, and more garlic salt and butter than needed.

But I will also bust my butt challenging myself to stay strong, healthy, and active.

I want to give out more encouragement, more hugs, more kind words, more humor, and more good than expected.

I will be open to the unexpected, pay attention, and be in awe of how God works.

I will be living in real life more, and hope to see you there.

Even in the heartache, I will find hope and feel joy.

I will always choose to be strong when the world tries to steal my joy. 

The world is not my compass. The world will not pressure me into its ways.

I plan to change the world for the better, and not allow the world to change me.

All of these choices do not overwhelm me, they will keep me full of all the right things, and have no room for the wrong things.

I believe that all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26)

I know that everyday is a fresh start. His mercies are new every morning. (Lamentations 3:22-23)

Now…I give you permission to unleash your heart, soul and mind, and choose to live unbelievably well, and know that you own every choice you make. You own who you are, how you get to respond, and how you truly live each day. 

Choose to live it WELL. 

“I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.”  E.B. White

Picture: written on back, Kelley, Airshow Kissimmee, 1981

Kelley Ranaudo

Hi, I'm Kelley. I once thought I had it all figured out, but I learned that feeling our best means nurturing our WHOLE SELF. It's not just about fitness or good nutrition, but much more. Subscribe to the newsletter, and let's embrace a joyful journey to wellness together.