#22: You can turn it around

We all go through events and life challenges that can try to bring us down. How we react and how we handle these hard things affects our lives, outcomes, relationships and health. No matter how big this life event is, you can take care of yourself through the process. We don’t have to overreact through the process. Prayer and perspective will do wonders for your health, mind health and your relationships. Believe in yourself and take care of yourself no matter what you are going through.

5 Second Rule, Mel Robbins
Everything is Figureoutable, Marie Forleo
A fall is never a final unless you stay on the ground. – Marie Forleo

Kelley Ranaudo

Kelley Ranaudo

Kelley shares all things simple and good to help you truly live well. Get my Sunday emails to receive encouragement every Sunday. Let's embark on this journey together!