Tip # 1…Water

It is time for some very simple health tips. These aren’t supposed to be any “aha” moments. These are tips that you probably know, but might not be doing consistently. Be honest with yourself and try to improve on each tip, one at a time. Here we go!

Let’s start with tip # 1…Water!

I always remind my clients that water makes up the majority of our bodies.  All of the functions of our body need water to work efficiently, including metabolism, hydration, and the function of muscles and organs.  We work better and feel better just by drinking enough water.  Our brain is about 90% water.  Muscles are about 75% water and bones consist of 22% water.

When it feels like the body is retaining water, this means the body is craving water! Our body will hang on to every little bit of water we give it, especially if our body is not getting enough. To stop retaining water, drink more water.

Water helps us lose weight for many reasons.  Water helps many of our body’s functions work more efficiently. Water also helps suppress the appetite.  Many times we think we are hungry, but we really aren’t.  Have a glass of water and wait a little bit.  Don’t forget that there are zero calories in water! You will also feel better throughout the day, so you will be more active and productive. You will more than likely want to exercise and you will achieve more because you feel so good during your workout!  Most experts suggest you drink 64 ounces of water each day.  If you are exercising each day, especially if you are sweating a lot, drink a little more to replace what you are losing.

Some of the many benefits of water include:

  1. Moisturizes and protects our joints and decreases cramps
  2. Helps to regulate our body temperature
  3. Transports oxygen and nutrients to cells
  4. Helps our metabolism work more efficiently
  5. Flushes the toxins out of our body
  6. Improves headaches
  7. Moisturizes the air in our lungs
  8. Helps our body to absorb nutrients better
  9. Helps us to lose weight
  10. Helps in digestion
  11. Moisturizes skin
  12. Increases energy and helps relieve fatigue

Do not wait until you are thirsty to drink water.  If you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated.  Other symptoms of dehydration include darker urine, dry skin, fatigue, headaches, muscle cramping, hunger and constipation.

Go drink some water now!! Plan your day and pay attention to your water intake. Most of us will be surprised that we aren’t drinking as much as we think.

Enjoy today!



Kelley Ranaudo

Kelley Ranaudo

Kelley shares all things simple and good to help you truly live well. Subscribe now to receive encouragement every Sunday. Let's embark on this journey together!